UMich VS UIUC (Computer Science)

<p>I was accepted into UMich last December and UIUC today.</p>

<p>At UMich, I'm currently in LSA, will likely do the CS and Econ programs within it. Also, I'm out of OOS so tuition is a bit hefty.</p>

<p>At UIUC, I'm in the Engineering school, will likely do CS + minor in Technology and Management. I'm in-state so tuition is pretty generous.</p>

<p>Career wise, I look to head into consulting at MBB and then venture in PE after I get an MBA. What would be your recommendations?</p>

<p>UIUC has much better Computer Science programs than uMich. Check out the ranking at usnews.</p>

<p>hey-saw your post on UM boards too. I agree with the previous poster. Save your money for your MBA.</p>

<p>yea go to UIUC then U of M</p>

<p>I am a CS major here and career placement here for CS major is Extremely Good I would say, it seems to be very easy to find a good paid job if you are good (know how to code and all the data structure). Top companies recruit CS major very heavily here. You can choose to go to many top companies as you want, eg Goldman Sachs, Google, Microsoft, and all the top banks.</p>

<p>iwotic, at the time I’m more interested in the business-side jobs at places like Goldman (IB or S/T), McKinsey (Business Analyst), and Microsoft (Business Development/Strategy).</p>

<p>I don’t want to fall into the technical programming aspect of the companies. Would you say that there are CS majors who end up on the business side of those companies at UIUC?</p>

<p>I barely missed the cut for the James Scholar program at UIUC. I had a 32 ACT and a 1420 SAT. If I get a 1450 SAT this March, will I still be able to qualify for this program before I enter UIUC? I hear from friends that it helps a great deal when your signing up for courses.</p>

<p>Jaris, I am not sure about CS major going to business side because I never tried applying for any of those you mentioned. But I know several who went into big name consulting companies. If you get into T&M and join the IB club or Consulting club and you are smart, I think you have a chance. As for me I chose here over MIchigan for CS because faculties and program here are more well known. As for job outside the software area, I actually got interviews with several leading trading and consulting companies. I think the job placement here is very good. </p>

<p>As for James scholar, I would recommend you to just come here and maintain a good GPA (>3.6 I guess) in the first semester and you will be invited to join the program.</p>

<p>iwotic, just out curiosity, what classes are you taking this semester?</p>

<p>UIUC is definitely a good choice.
CS here is pretty decent and Technology and Management is a really selective and competitive minor program!!! Better still, the tuition is cheaper for u~ Come here~</p>

<p>For some reason, I feel that CS students here are very smart. I know atleast 4 students in one of my CS class who went to IOI (Computer Olympiad), 2 represented Thailand (1 got silver medal), 1 represented India (he got bronze medal), and 1 represented Singapore, but one thing I found interesting is that there is one Japanese guy (who didn`t go to IOI), who are better than all 4 of the people mentioned above, and he have been getting A+ in every classes he took so far (He is graduating this semester with a 4.0and all A+). Imagine that I have to go compete with these people mentioned + some more who are about as smart in classes that only give A to top 10% of the class. </p>

<p>To Sang54: The class mentioned is CS473, you should know how hard this class is right :D</p>

<p>I thought midwest schools were all giving A, B, C without +/-. At least the high schools are. UIUC has +/- grades?</p>