UMich way behind this year?

<p>I heard the admissions committe is way behind this year as for as entering applicants into their data system. I sent my online app in october 29th (transcripts were sent even earlier) and I just recently got the email on november 16th that says they have received everything and are beginning to process it. Did anyone else have this same problem and does this hinder my chances of getting in?</p>

<p>Haven't heard that they're behind. Last year, yes. This year, they're probably ahead of last year and behind the year before that. The new app just takes longer to process.</p>

<p>They wouldn't consider your application complete or begin processing it until they have everything. I'm not sure a 2-week delay from the time you sent in your app until the time they started processing it is that big a deal. Relax!</p>