UMichigan Ross Artifact - does a published book count as an artifact?

Hello everyone! I’m a senior applying to UMichigan Ross for undergraduate admissions this year and when I got to the Ross Portfolio Artifact section of the application, I wanted to submit my 300-page book (which was published on Amazon) as the artifact, but I was not sure because the supplement asks for the artifact to be uploaded as a PDF. Does it make sense for me to upload an entire PDF copy of the book, given its length, or should I just provide the Amazon link to the book instead? I feel like I would be submitting far too much, and I’m wondering if I should just send in something less content-heavy like my blog, a research paper I wrote, etc. instead. The book is certainly one of the accomplishments I’m most proud of over the course of high school.

Just wanted to hear your thoughts and advice on this - thanks!

If the book very business-oriented, I would submit an excerpt (5-25 pages) as your artifact, then put a link to the entire book in your description of the artifact. If the book isn’t about business, submit something else.

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