UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

Congrats to you in-staters who heard back!! I’m sure tomorrow there will be more coming out as well, individually.

Congratulations to @Watang and @mscrystal! Do you mind sharing your SAT/ACT/GPA/EC? Also, are you on OOS?

I also received an interview!! Wishing everyone good luck and a happy New Year!

Congrats to @KShah16 @Watang @AtticusFinchh. Maybe we’ll meet each other at the interviews!

Thanks y’all! Maybe we’ll meet and get to know our competition lol.

Congrats to you too. Now if only interviews weren’t 2 months away!!

if you guys don’t mind, can you guys put your stats here so that I can at least have a general estimation?

Unweighted GPA: 3.84
Rank: 31 out of 378
AP Classes(Score in parentheses if taken): Calculus AB (1 won’t send), Chemistry (3) , Biology, Physics 1, Government(4), Psychology, World History
ACT: 32 Composite
35 English
27 Math
34 Reading
30 Science
Track & Field
Diversity Club
Science Olympiad State Medalist
400+ hours community service hospital
25 hours of job shadowing a neurologist at hospital
Race: Indian/Asian
Gender: Male
Location: Kansas City MO (In-state)

Note: Brother is currently in the program as a 4th year so I don’t know if that will help me or anything
Do you guys think I have a good chance?

Ignore the last part

@Watang, so once the interviews are given out with UMKC Med, for all intents and purposes (Definition #5 -–all–intents–and–purposes), it starts from scratch, so you don’t get a huge “edge” per say just because your GPA/standardized test score were fantastic. When they mean holistic, they really take that to heart. Probably one of the best things about the UMKC BA/MD interview setup, vs. many other places in which academic metrics are a lot more emphasized.

@sss0296 @rrtiger

Here are my stats:
GPA: 3.92 unweighted
Rank: my school doesn’t rank.
ACT: 33 (English: 33; Math: 29; Reading: 36; Science 34; Writing 35)
APs: AP World, AP Chem, AP Physics 1, AP Physics 2, AP Calc, AP Spanish, AP Gov

President of two clubs (NHS being one of them)
Leadership in 3 others
Science honors society
Model United Nations
A couple more that have to do with diversity
Sport: Golf

Health-Related Experiences:
Paid research
A program through which I shadow doctors for an entire semester (3 hours a day) CPR/First Aid Certification given through the program
Hospital Volunteer (80 hours)
Shadowed 6 doctors. (Total around 50 hours)
Have had two jobs total (one currently ongoing as tutor for math)

Gender: Female
Race: South Asian
Location: In-State

I was going to say if people don’t want to post under their CC usernames, I can also paste it under my username so it’s rather anonymous so your abbreviated CV can’t be linked to your posts. You can also do this after April 1 when decisions are usually out to help future CC members. You can post it similar to the Results threads above.

Class Rank:
Unweighted GPA:
Weighted GPA:


Math: xxx; Critical Reading xxx ; Writing xxx ; Total: xxx

English: xxx; Math: xxx; Reading: xxx; Science: xxx ; Composite: xxx

Seniors Year AP’s:
Subject names

Major EC’s:
National Honor Society
Key Club
Model UN, etc., etc.

Community Service:
Hospital Volunteering
Other Community service through church, school, etc.

Research Experience:
A brief description: worked in a college lab, wrote paper, etc.

Grates to everyone who got an interview.

I’m kind of disappointed I wasn’t even wait listed, but it does go to show the large influence med schools have on instate applicants.

Also to add to my post above, I can also alter the specific CV to where there isn’t a listing of a specific name of a program or institution, etc. once again for anonymity purposes, just because everyone is still very much on edge or possibly paranoid (I can feel it thru the interwebz). I will send it back to the person thru PM for final approval before I then paste it into the thread. I WILL NOT post it without your final approval. Thus it will help freshmen, sophomore, and juniors, even the ones who are lurking and interested (God help them) in applying to this program and many other programs, as well as see the stats of people getting interviews from the in-state, regional, and out-of-state pools. It will also help people in seeing the different ECs out there in not only applying for medicine, but which ones are very realistic in terms of how medicine is like. Trust me, you’re not as creative as you probably think your EC is. It’s been done by at least one person before.

Oh and another thing before I forget, SOCIAL MEDIA – Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, I know I’m missing others because I’m getting to the fogey age (at least for the age you guys are at currently), etc. Put those on full lock, deactivate, whatever. I’ll deal with the two common ones:

If you have Twitter — put your Twitter on lock, deactivate it, or whatever it is you do to make sure no one can read your individual tweets, and that includes being able to see your bio. I don’t have Twitter (thank God) but I can easily get on it without a username and start searching. I can see letters of the photos you guys take of your first acceptance to the UMKC undergrad back in September. And you can bet if I can do it, ANYONE can do it, and both UMKC and UMKC Med have Twitter accounts. DO NOT follow these accounts as every tweet you send can be read by them in their feed.

If you have Facebook – Privacy settings need to be on at the highest level you can – so just your immediate friends and/or family. There was also an application essay prompt this year on the BA/MD supplemental app that you could choose about social media and medicine and I believe at UMKC there is now a lecture given to med students and social media (not just at UMKC, but at other places, I know you guys have heard of stories in the news of people and their social media accounts getting them into trouble in other professions), so it would not be unheard of at all for a UMKC Med faculty member to try to look you up on social media account to see your digital footprint after the interview day is over or even before. By the way, this can happen now in residency selection time (your overall footprint as well as looking up research publications), as well as the job market for everyone.

I’m not trying to scare anyone here, but just trying to tie any loose ends that might tip the scales either way. Make your impression on the day of the interview, and not anytime before you’ve arrived or after you’ve left, just because we were able to read your tweet about the refried bean tacos in the cafeteria giving you bad gas back in Fall 2012, when you were starting 9th grade.

Congrats to everyone who got an interview and good luck!! :)>-

Any acceptances or rejections/deferrals for UMKC interviews today? My son hasn’t heard back anything yet.

This doesnt really affect me that much now but i was wondering when ADCOMS cut down on the oos applicants. Obviously this program favors instate/regional applicants so do they factor state residency when deciding who to give interviews to or after interviews when choosing who to select for the program?

Can anyone chance me for this program? Im a junior right now. Thanks

Class Rank: 20/550
Unweighted GPA: 3.83/4
SAT: 2340: 800M, 740CR, 800W
SAT2: 800 M2, 780Chem, 800Physics
APs: Bio(4), CalcAB(5), CalcBC(5), APUSH(5), Micro(5), AP Lang(5)

Major ECs:
-President and Founder of a 502© NPO
-Science Honors Society(comitee member/ Founding member)
-DECA(Committee member)
-Guitar: 8 years of practice and performed in many public recitals
-Varsity soccer: played for highschool 3 years.
-Tae Kwon Do: Recived Black belt after 8 years of practice
-Shadow/intern at doctors office for a year

Community service:
-Hospital volunteer~220 hours
-STEM Mueseum~120 hours
-American Cancer Society~ 24 hours for Relay for Life

Research Experience:
-Work at a Pharmeceutical company(wet lab experience); about a year in lab helped research new drugs and medicine
-University Medical center: worked with profesor for 40/week of summer for cardiology research. I am second name on published paper

Income: Upper

I’m out-of-state & I just got waitlisted an hour ago

@pokemon1, in terms of your stats and CV (I realize you’re a Junior), I think you’d definitely get an interview for sure. I think you’re the first person I’ve seen to take the SAT and ACT together and have your SAT 2s already finished as a Junior. Was your hospital volunteering just that or was there physician shadowing involved? That’s the only possible thing you could add to your CV, and I’m really reaching with that one as I had to come up with some improvement, since there is no perfect CV. You could also do things like blood drives, cancer drives, cancer marathons, etc. that are quick. You know like discrete events to easily add to a CV.

That being said, I think you’re actually very OVERQUALIFIED for UMKC’s BA/MD program, in general. I mean in terms of your CV UMKC is like in your very bottom tier of programs. I think you’ll realize if you were accepted here and realize soon enough when you got here that the resources and opportunities available at UMKC (or lack there of) don’t match the level of your CV caliber. And you’d be paying out-of-state tuition (60 K) at that. I’m sure you’ve already considered the NJ BS/MD programs with Rutgers med school (formerly NJMS), as being close to home has its advantages.

What I would do is sit with a comprehensive Bachelor/MD list and go thru a list of programs to shoot for. Start with the MSAR (which you can find in any public or medical library) and then find lists online (let me know if you have trouble Googling them), as the MSAR isn’t all comprehensive for some reason, but I like that it gives stats of applicants and shows how many apply, how many get interviews, etc.

I think any one of us – @blugrn6, me, or others (I swear I don’t know what happened to dogopril) would be happy to point out programs that would fit you. You can PM us for that. You’re so ahead of the game at this point, you could actually start even writing the essays for programs that have the same ones every year (i.e. Northwestern HPME, I believe) so that you’re only filling out only basic application form info in the summer/early fall. If you know a teacher really well at this point during Junior Year, ask them later on in the year (like April/May) to write you a letter of recommendation while you would still be very much fresh in their heads and to keep it saved. I would really take advantage of the situation you’re in. Make sure you have a professionally typed CV, which you can print on resume paper you can buy at Office Depot to give to your letter writers.

And in case you might ask (this is CC after all), don’t retake any of your standardized exams. You’re fine.

@lyfe33, did they say in the waitlist letter when you’d be notified if an interview spot opened up? My guess is that you’d know for sure, by the end of January as UMKC still has to go thru applications for the Regular Deadline people in January who then those people have to decide whether or not to go.