UMN Housing Questions

Hello, it is looking increasingly likely that my son is going to attend the University of Minnesota, but we don’t know a thing about housing. We visited campus last summer, but we weren’t able to tour any rooms (we did get to see the lobby and eating area at one dorm, but that’s it).

Can anyone offer any general descriptions of the dorms/areas? My daughter attends a public university back east, and there are big differences between the various dorms and the general living areas on campus, and I was wondering if UM is similar. Thanks!

I can’t help with the descriptions of the dorms / areas, although I would love to hear what others have to say, since my son may also pick UMN…

I am just here to encourage your son to apply for housing now, if he hasn’t already done so. He doesn’t have to commit to UMN, and he can change his choice later and keep his place in line. If you already knew this, never mind! :slight_smile:


I’m really just following as we are out of state and haven’t visited yet. I did come across this video earlier which doesn’t tell much but was enjoyable nonetheless. Does Minnesota have “private dorms” as well or does everyone live in university housing.


I have a kid dual enrolling there who may continue in the fall. We live very local and both my spouse and I are alumni.

The super block dorm area is the most popular area. There are 4 big dorms there and it’s close to east bank classes/amenities which is the main part of campus. There’s green space between the 4 dorms and it’s up against the river trail.

17th is the newest dorm and I believe athletes are prioritized for this one.

Sanford is closer to Dinkytown. Comstock is closer to the river right behind the main union Coffman, both nicely located for main campus.

Middlebrook is the only west bank hall. It houses honors and arts llcs. Good for carlson, music, theater, arts students. Further from main campus though.

Avoid Bailey on Saint Paul campus unless your major is housed over there. But the campus bus picks up very close so not a huge deal to get to other classes.

It’s a $50 deposit to get in line and you can change preferences later so it is worth it to do that! We did.

You can check out llc options here


Pay your housing deposit (It’s refundable). You don’t need to decide when you deposit. You can change up until housing deadline date. Are you attending the accepted students day in April? That might give you more insight.
Also be aware that the is a pretty good chance you won’t get the dorm you pick. But it sounds like most kids end up loving where they are.
S23 is a Wildlife Bio major, so is actually choosing to live in Bailey, so we’re not sweating it.

Also, check out the residential communities. He might want to live in one of those.

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Does anyone have feedback on Comstock? S23 was admitted to the Honors program and is interested in Honors housing, but living on Westbank doesn’t seem ideal when he is a Wildlife Bio major and will have many classes on the SP campus.

Thanks for the help - we’ve paid our $50 and started the process.

Frontier looks like a good choice for my son, plus it has the Taylor House LLC (my son is computer engineering). This summer when we took our tour, we did get to enter the lobby space of one of the super block dorms (but I don’t remember which one).

We’re planning on attending the April 1 admitted students day, too.

Edit: Visiting Indiana in late Feb. for admitted students event and may visit Pittsburgh, too. Minnesota, IU, Pitt and University of Kansas (where we live) look to be his final choices, with a couple of late decisions coming (reach schools).

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A lot of the dorm rooms are similar in size and furniture so that really isn’t a reason to choose one over another. Only Pioneer and 17th ave are newer.

Most freshmen want to live in the superblock dorms just for the social life or being around a bunch of classmates. Those all have communal bathrooms on each floor. Pioneer is the newest and nicest, having been rebuilt a few years ago. It also houses the dining hall for the superblock.

Comstock is the best located, right by the Union. I think it has the most singles and you might get assigned one. Many see this as a negative since they want to easily meet people but people say that many leave their door open to encourage drop-ins. My daughter (a current sophomore) liked the food best there freshman year but they changed dining providers this year and from what I gathered on parent facebook groups, it has been a disaster. No one has talked of it recently so maybe they fixed the issues.

17th is usually considered the nicest but they did have some mold issues this year. Hopefully taken care of. Athletes live here so many like the dining hall options.

Middlebrook is on the west bank. My daughter lived there in the Honors LLC and developed a great group of friends. She also liked the shared bathrooms with just 2 rooms as opposed to communal ones. Keep in mind that while it might seem more isolated, It is about the same distance from Middlebrook to the mall as it is from the superblock.

Consider that freshman year most are taking courses for the gen ed requirements so classes might be in different places than once they get into their major classes.

A lot of people do not get their preferences so keep that in mind. A number of those that are assigned Bailey on SP freak out but many say that it is great–quieter, more green space, easy bus ride to campus.

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I really appreciate the help, and we completed the housing app. Looks like any of the superblock dorms would be ideal, especially Frontier (it houses Taylor House LLC).

Thx to those sharing housing insight here. I’m also following this thread. My daughter just committed for next fall. She put her housing deposit down few weeks ago.

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