UMN-TC - how narrow is curriculum for CBS?

I need help from the experts! I am trying to get daughter go visit UMN-TC since it checks all of her boxes and gave her a nice merit package.

We went to the local session with her AO in the fall and came away with the concern that daughter might not have much flexibility as a student there. She was admitted for Biology but would like to explore other natural sciences and even take some Poly Sci or English classes, etc. Since Biology has it’s own college there and there is such a huge sense of pride and urgency on the 4 year graduation rate we just felt that her major might fee like a silo with few options. She felt like there was a huge emphasis on career training and Pre professional stuff.

She is seeking a more classical University experience for her education. I’ve asked her to reach out to the University on this but she hasn’t gotten around to it. Ugh!

Any thoughts or insights are highly welcome. We are out of state and so not in the know. I really want to get her to go fpr a visit!

Would she consider changing her major to Biology, Society and Environment? My son was interested in this major as it integrates Bio and Liberal Arts. It’s in the College of Liberal Arts and should be an easy transfer. There are a lot of Youtube videos on the BSE major as well.

You might also want to check out my new post on UMN safety. It was a deciding factor when making our decision.

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Yes I am currently looking at the FB group after seeing your post. Yikes! describes the biology major requirements. Biology majors in general also take chemistry, organic chemistry, physics, and math, but those who want to explore these subjects to greater depth may have to choose the versions for students majoring in those subjects instead of the versions for biology majors.

These can be taken as part of the general education requirements described at Lib ed requirements overview | Twin Cities One Stop Student Services .

Note that the biology major requires 73 to 85 of the 120 credits, so that leaves up to 35 to 47 credits outside of the major (including general education requirements.

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Thank you this is super helpful when mapped out like this!