
<p>Hi everybody!</p>

<p>What are your thoughts on Harvard's UMRP (Undergraduate Minority Recruitment Program)? I recently received an e-mail from the program, signed by a Hispanic sophomore at Harvard at the end. </p>

<p>I thought that it was a standard college marketing message, while my mother thought otherwise, which is why I decided to post on here.</p>

<p>Yeah, I’d like to share my interest in this UMRP email as well. I received one a few days ago as well, although from a senior (not sure what nationality). He told me I could contact him by email or phone, and I’m wondering if it’s worth shooting him an email and seeing how I’d fare as an African American applicant to Harvard. Does anyone have any input regarding the program?</p>



<p>It is marketing and it doesn’t guarantee anything or even necessarily indicate that you’re a competitive candidate. However, it is definitely worth responding and keeping contact with them if you are interested in H. It can’t hurt and it could help; you just need to keep in mind that admissions to highly selective colleges is extremely competitive, even for URM candidates.</p>

<p>One data point: My ds1 was offered a fly-out to a top, non-Ivy school, went and ended up being WL’d. Take advantage of the offer if interested, but in no way should you construe this as more than it is – marketing.</p>

<p>I believe that is a positive sign. I wish I would have realized the importantce of the letter when my child received it. Our letter even stated my son’s high school. We received emails and several snail mail letters with financial aid forms included.</p>