Unable to finish my intent to enroll

I’m stressing out because the May 1st deadline is very near and I’m almost done with my intent to enroll but I can’t even finish because it seems like the servers are down. When I click on the “Pathway to Enrollment” tab and go to the placement testing box, this message comes up:

Oracle Automation
error ‘800a01b8’
Unable to make connection, ORA-00257: archiver error. Connect internal only, until freed.
/PORTAL/uicportal5/includes/dbaseora2.inc, line 13

The admissions office isn’t even open because it’s a Sunday but I’ve emailed them and the service help desk about the issue. What should I do in this case? Should I wait until they’re open (which is the deadline) and see what they can do? Or should I personally go over to the campus today (it’s almost a 2 hour drive.) Any input would be greatly appreciated, thanks.

Lol I haven’t even gotten an admission decision