UNC-CH or Elon for Journalism

<p>I am in a bit of a delimma seeing as I have less than a week to put down a deposit at a school. I was placed on the wait list for my top choice school, Vanderbilt, and as of now, I have only Chapel Hill and Elon left to decide from. I have visited both schools, and I am very familiar with the communications department at Elon since I was given the opportunity to be both an Honors student and a communications fellow there. However, I do not have a clue as to what Chapel Hill offers in terms of both broadcast journalism and print journalism (I have not made up my mind as to which I like more yet). Can someone give me a gauge as to how the two schools compare? How difficult is it to get internships at very reputable broadcasting networks across the country? What are media outlets like for Chapel Hill? What's the job outlook for those who graduate in communications from Chapel Hill? Thanks so much! :)</p>

<p>The schools have different views of how to become a journalist, both have merit and both can lead to success for the candidate that finds the right fit.</p>

<p>The UNC School of Journalism and Mass Communication is a great school. You apply as a journalism major only after completing at least three semesters. Chapel Hill is pretty much considered the Ivy League of public education so you will find challenging classes, a large student body, and an alumni network that is the strongest of any public University. </p>

<p>Elon is a medium sized university with 5000 students, and about 20% of them are in the communications program. The communications department is very hands-on and as you mentioned selects up to 30 incoming students each year for their Communications Fellows program. The Fellows form a cohort that tracks select communication classes and some unique experiences together each year. Communications Fellows normally attend the Elon in LA program during sophomore winter term and some choose to attend the Elon in New York Summer program. Elon maintains an extensive network of internship opportunities and just about every student is required to satisfy the ENGAGED LEARNING requirements of Elon including Study abroad, Undergraduate research, Service learning, Internships, Leadership and Civic Engagement.</p>

<p>You can’t go wrong with either program but I would advise that if you’re a more traditional student looking for a more traditional path (if there is such a thing in journalism) choose Chapel Hill because its name recognition will impress people who don’t even know that CH has a school of Journalism. </p>

<p>Elon’s Communications Fellows program is more of a wild card and will certainly give you everything you need to stand out and be judged on your own merits, but not everyone is cut out for that.</p>

<p>Just a quick follow-up…</p>

<p>You do not need to be a fellow to apply for the regular Elon LA / NYC Programs. The Communications Fellows Elon in LA program takes place at a special time and is fully funded by the program. You still need to apply to either program.</p>

<p>One side thought - because you asked in reference to Vanderbilt… I like both The UNC Journalism and Mass Communication school (jr / sr years) and Elon Communications fellows (all 4 years) and Elon’s communication program without the fellows distinction as being among the very best communications programs available anywhere. And I personally would choose any of them above Vanderbilt… But you may know something that I don’t…</p>

<p>PS: Rodney - your message box is full</p>

<p>Wow, thank you for that very detailed response. You definately gave me a lot of insight. That is good to know about the Elon in LA programs. Although I was given the opportunity to be a communications fellow at Elon, I have chosen to go into the honors program if I end up enrolling there seeing as I could only choose one of the two programs. I know both schools are of great merit for the field but I did not realize that they were THAT great until you said something. :slight_smile: I’m not too familiar with communications at Vanderbilt, but I am still looking into it. Thank you so much–you have definately made this whole process easier for me.</p>

<p>UNC has one of the top the J schools in the country; year in and year out it is ranked in the top five, often the top three. As ncmentor previously said, the name recognition and industry “connections” will do more for you than the program at Elon.</p>

<p>ESPN for one example is full of UNC grads both on and behind the camera.</p>

<p>Your welcome - It’s an important decision and it sounded like you needed some info fast, so I was glad to help (I think thats what most of us are here for and many members have helped my family over the years). </p>

<p>If your going to end up doing something in communications your going to love either of these programs. Many talented students would love to have your choices… Congratulations</p>