UNC-CH vs UW Madison vs UIUC vs UMd-CP vs Rutgers for Biology/Biomed on pre-med track

Quick update: student got into the Honors College at Rutgers - we received a pleasant surprise with a very strong merit aid package (32k/year making it cheaper than instate college). Still waiting on other colleges and honors/merit decisions. Planning to visit honors college info days at Rutgers and UNC-CH (from parent perspective, they became top choices now).


Got a few more positive news, student got into: Emory, Case, Lehigh and yesterday in Cornell. Waiting for the financial aid award from Emory and Cornellā€¦but based on NPC and other colleges need-based awards, think we are looking at 50-60k for [UNC, UW, UIUC, Emory, Cornell and other privates] and 16k at Rutgers. Visiting a few of them in next couple weeks.

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But itā€™ll then be the allure of Ivy vs medical excellence of Emory (or CWRU) vs but child, we can save a boatload of money for med school if you go to Rutgers.

Thatā€™s hard.
But very well done.

Good luck.


If the kid is sure to get into med school, Rutgers is a good choice. If there is a chance of not getting in or changing their mind, Cornell is a good choice.


Iā€™m a believer in betting on my kids - even though the odds are against med school and they are. Thatā€™s, in part, because my dad bet on me - and failed as a journalist - but I earn a living and pay taxes so I guess he didnā€™t fail in that sense.

Given you need aid or at least you expect to qualify, did you have a pre set budget or some other eliminator?

Because when you have such good choices and of different perceived (not necessarily actual) value - having a non-emotional decision making tool can be helpful such as - our stated budget to our student was $50K.

OK - anyone who comes in over is out - no question asked.

Otherwise, good look and let us know how it goes.

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