UNC-chapel hill or NYU

<p>ok so i have to decide between the two, planning on going into business, got into stern at NYU. the two schools were ranked the same in the us news undergrad business rankings. any ideas people...I would rather go to carolina at this point, but cant finalize my decision.....</p>

<p>which do you think youll like more? a huge city or a smaller college town?</p>

<p>i love the college town feel, but im pretty sure i would haev a good time in ny as well. I just dont know if stern would really offer so much of an advantage that it would be worth giving up a campus life, and 20k extra a year. any people in here gone to either?...especially anyone whos gone to business school at UNC, how hard was it to get in?</p>

<p>if your interests lie in finance, or you may want to get some film education in school as well, then go to NYU.</p>

<p>otherwise it sounds like UNC is the choice for you.</p>