UNC Chapel Hill Regular Decision Notification Date 2010


<p>I’m OOS and in a generally difficult region for UNC and Duke (Atlanta), so I’m fairly excited. And it boosts my expectations for schools like Georgetown, Duke, UChicago, and Brown, which all have higher acceptance rates than UNC OOS does, and most of them aren’t in the south, which should help me a little bit too–are both of these assumptions correct to make?</p>

<p>Does anyone have any idea how many people typically get accepted off of the wait list? And I’m not totally clear about the wait list–if I do get accepted off of it and I chose to go there, do I just tell whatever university I decided to enroll at that I’m no longer going there and everything is cool (besides losing the housing deposity)?</p>


<p>Daughter just got “reject” letter in today’s mail. We are OOS (CA) :frowning: Oh well, we kept hearing how difficult it was for OOS… especially California!! Good luck to all</p>

<p>Nothing here in New Jersey.</p>

<p>my decision is online. waitlisted :(</p>

<p>… waitlisted. Status changed online.
“Click here to view your decision in a new window. Please make sure popup-blocking is disabled” -></p>

<p>"Dear blue_box,
Thank you again for applying to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. After carefully reviewing your application, we are sorry to say that we are unable to offer you admission at this time. However, we would like to place your name on a waiting list for possible openings should any become available in May or June.</p>

<p>Admission from the waiting list will depend on the number of students who confirm their enrollment by our May 1 postmark deadline. If spaces become available, all waiting-list candidates will be reviewed as a group, and all candidates will receive a final decision from us no later than June 30.</p>

<p>In the meantime, to accept a position on the waiting list, please take the following steps:</p>

<p>Please follow the link at the bottom of this page to indicate that you wish to remain on the waiting list. To be considered for any spaces that may become available, you must complete this step no later than April 21, 2010.
Send us your final transcript if your school year ends before we notify you of our final decision. Beyond these final grades, we do not recommend that you send additional materials.
Read the enclosed Questions and Answers about the Waiting List: Questions about the waiting list
Select another college or university, and send that school your enrollment deposit by its specified deadline.
All of these steps are important. Your educational future and your peace of mind require that you take step four and make plans to enroll at another college or university. The other steps will ensure that you will be considered for any spaces that may become available here at Carolina.</p>

<p>Since we must now turn our attention to the enrolling class, and since it is critical for you to confirm your enrollment elsewhere, we regret that we will not be able to provide interviews or personal appointments for students on the waiting list. Because the waiting list is unranked, and because we will not know until later this spring whether any spaces will become available, we will not be able to forecast any student’s chances of being admitted. Should spaces become available, our review will focus primarily on your original application and on any additional grades you may submit.</p>

<p>I know that you have already waited patiently for an answer from us, and I regret that we must now ask you to wait still longer. We will make every effort to resolve the waiting list as quickly and as carefully as we can. In the meantime, thank you again for your interest in the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.</p>

<p>Stephen Farmer
Associate Provost and Director of Undergraduate Admissions


<p>“Thank you for accepting our waiting list offer. We wish you the best of luck in the months ahead.”</p>

<p>I checked online…Accepted!</p>

<p>ACCEPTED!!! I am instate and its up on my portal!</p>

<p>Accepted! “It gives us great pleasure to offer you admission to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.”
I’m out-of-state - living in Tokyo, Japan, although I lived in Cary, NC for seven years before that. I was raised a Tar Heel ;)</p>

<p>Waitlisted OOS-California got a letter in the mail and it was available online</p>

<p>Hmmm. Does anyone know generally what the OOS acceptance rate is?</p>


<p>DD received her letter yesterday.</p>

<p>OOS admission to UNC is as selective if not more so than at many top private schools including many Ivies. </p>

<p>North Carolina law caps the matriculation (enrollment) of OOS students at 18% but with a recently found loophole that considers students on full rides (Moreheads, Robertsons, recruited athletes) as being in state (for enrollment purposes only), the actual number of OOS enrolled is near 20%. It’s also important to note that recruited athletes and others on full rides are still counted as OOS for admission purposes but not in enrollment data. This means that the extra 2% that actually was enrolled came from that OOS pool number of 20% who were admitted.</p>

<p>Based on the numbers from 2009 admissions stats, approx 13,000 OOS students applied of which approx 2700 were admitted and approx 700 enrolled. 2700 acceptances resulted in a 20% acceptance rate based on 13000 applicants.</p>

<p>UNC admissions has a pretty good idea of the number of admits necessary to yield the 700 who will eventually enroll. In the past the actual acceptance rate was a little higher but the big increase in applications has driven the percentage down a bit. If applications continue to rise the percent admitted will drop because they cannot increase the percentage of OOS students above that 18% hard/20% soft cap. It’s just math.</p>

<p>They have obviously not published admissions numbers for this year yet but at one time they had close to 21,000 online applications started (partially submitted) and were not sure how many would actually be fully submitted. 2009 was an all time record with approximately 18,000 total applicants so if the number of applicants approaches that 21,000 number the percentage of admitted students could go down significantly.</p>

<p>She got in! Wow! I am so happy!</p>

<p>thanks so much eadad, i was just curious :-). congrats to all</p>

<p>Wait listed OOS</p>

<p>I was wait listed OOS. My older brother got in off the wait list two years ago and attends UNC now, but I know the chances of getting in off the waitlist are very slim!! Good luck to everyone else who was waitlisted, and congrats to those who got in!</p>

<p>I still haven’t received a decision from UNC yet. UNC withdrew my app because of the lack of teacher recommendation. My teacher did send it in, but really late (she deleted the link that would have directed her to fill out the recommendation), so they withdrew my app. They reinstated it after I had asked if there was still more time to send in that recommendation (I thought me teacher never turned it in, but she did). MY teacher had sent in the recommendation before they withdrew it, so they forgot to see if it had come in I guess? They said that this wasn’t going to hurt my chances, but each day I don’t receive a decision, I feel like I am more vulnerable of being rejected! :(</p>