I am a junior from Michigan getting ready to fill out college apps. I would like to know what others think about my list.
I am looking to major in something business related, and possibly hospitality (if business does not work out)
GPA: UW: 3.89 W: 4.05 (my school only weights APs)
List of AP classes taken/taking/will take
AP US History (5)
AP Macroeconomics (5)
AP Microeconomics (5)
AP Stats (4)
AP Calc AB (senior year)
AP Spanish (senior year)
ACT: 33 (34 E, 33 M, 31 R, 34 S)
SAT US HISTORY subject test: 740
SAT MATH 2; 710
Student Congress fresh-senior years (Chair of school improvements and co-chair of student fundraising for Make A Wish, conference Rep)(treasurer for senior year)
Key Club fresh-junior years
Unified Sports (help disabled kids play sports) fresh-sophomore year
Tennis (varsity starting sophomore year)
Golf (varsity starting sophomore year) Voted most improved sophomore year ( captain senior year)
National Honors society junior and senior year
300+ hours of community service
Attended the state leadership conference 3 years and attended the summer leadership camp this past year
I was a counselor at a camp for kids with Muscular Dystrophy for a week last summer. (7 days/overnight camp)
Please let me know what you think about my chances as far as UNC goes! Thanks!
As you may know, the chances for any OOS applicant to UNC-CH are somewhat problematic due to the highly competitive nature of OOS applications there: UNC-CH admits OOS applicants in numbers that are calculated not to exceed 18% of an entering freshman class. See “Undergraduate Admissions” on Page 2, here: http://www.admissions.unc.edu/files/2013/09/Admissions__Policy.pdf. As a further example of the difficulty for OOS students to be admitted to UNC-CH, the entering Class of 2020 had a 15% acceptance rate for OOS applicants: http://admissions.unc.edu/apply/class-profile-2/.
If you go to the UNC-CH Common Data Set, under Part C7 it states that standardized test scores, application essay(s), letter(s) of recommendation, and the rigor of your high school record are “very important” academic factors considered for freshman admission, whereas GPA and class rank are “important” academic factors considered for freshman admission. Extracurricular activities, talent, and character/personal qualities are considered as “very important” non-academic factors.
Further, Part C9 of the Common Data Set for UNC-CH gives the median 50% for both SAT and ACT scores, as well as the percentage of the entering first-year class falling within certain ranges of SAT and ACT scores; Part C11 gives the percentage of entering first-year students falling within a range of unweighted GPA on a 4.0 scale, and Part C12 gives the average high school GPA of first-year applicants.
Having stated all of the above, your ACT score is competitive, and your ECs demonstrate leadership; but your weighted GPA seems a little low. By way of comparison, our OOS high school usually has 8-10 students who apply, and 1-2 students who are admitted, each year to UNC-CH; and, with the exception of legacy students, our admitted students have ACT scores of 33+ and weighted GPAs of 4.4+. These successful applicants also were involved in extracurricular activities that showed multi-year commitment (no “drive-by” ECs), and demonstrated leadership in the school as well as their ECs. Other kids in our city who I know were admitted to UNC-CH recently also had similar academic statistics and non-academic characteristics; and all of these kids were “unhooked” in admissions parlance (i.e., not a recruited D-1 athlete, not a URM or first-generation college student, etc.).
If you are potentially interested in hospitality, have you considered Cornell?
@gandalf78 Hadn’t seen that 15% OOS acceptance figure before. Wow.
My daughters year it was 19%… that may be why it dropped to 15% the following year. The actual legal cap is 18%. Still very low OOS.
@twogirls I was referring to 15% admissions rate for OOS applicants, not 18% cap on OOS students. I apologize if I was unclear.
Sorry… It was my misunderstanding.
@gandalf78 Would I even have any chance at an Ivy though? 
^ I don’t know what the statistics are for admittees to the Hotel School, or how they stack up against the rest of admitted Cornell students.