UNC-Chapel Hill?

<p>I want to major in theater. My first two choices are northwestern and nyu (nyu for film, though). my third however, is unc because i'm a resident and it's cheap.</p>

<p>i was wondering if unc is recognized as a good drama school? not necessarily bfa but ba drama, possibly?</p>

<p>The MFA program there is well know. </p>

<p>I looked at the website and it looks as if they have numerous opportunities for undergraduates, separate from the MFA and professional productions.</p>

<p>You may also want to look at the theatre program at UNC- Wilmington. </p>

<p>Students may intern at film production companies right in the area, as well at professional theatre companies and film production companies around the US, AND they are in a new performing arts facility which opened in 2006. </p>

<p>There is also an active Film Studies major at UNC-Wilmington. </p>

<p>You may want to contact the depts. to see if it could be possible to double major or major in one area and minor in the other.</p>

<p>GOOD LUCK!</p>

<p>UNC-Chapel Hill is extremely difficult to get into-but if you set your mind on it I’m sure you will get in!</p>

<p>My old roomate is going to grad school there for performance studies. Not sure if that is similar to the theatre program, but she loves it there!</p>

<p>my understanding is the Chapel Hill program is better as a grad student than an undergrad. The resources, assignments, roles etc go to support the grad program in a much higher proportion is what I hear. Consequently, the grad program is pretty strong</p>
