<p>Has anybody other than Nck101 and the Robertson candidates received anything regarding merit scholarships from UNC??</p>
<p>According to the UNC folk, most of the merit scholarships have not yet been decided, esp. for out-of-staters. It could be 2 more weeks. (I called)</p>
<p>Thanks Chocoholic, I am OOS was accepted EA into Honors and have not heard one word regarding any $$.</p>
<p>I may be wrong, but it seems as if the Morehead and Robertson finalists have been informed, along with the in-state Carolina Scholar winners. I hope there's money for you. Are you seriously thinking of attending UNC, or does it depend entirely on merit money? What state are you from?</p>
<p>Chocoholic do you know if oos Carolina scholars have been notified?</p>
<p>What they actually said was that none of the scholarships that are handed out by UNC had been decided yet. (However, nckid has heard of his getting the Carolina Scholar, and so I assumed that in-staters had been told.) I really don't know if they let in-staters know ahead of others; why would they? I did not ask that specific question.....if you decide to call and ask, let me know what they say.
Also Morehead and Robertson are independent of UNC, as you know.</p>
<p>From the UNC website:</p>
The Carolina Scholars Awards, established in 1995, are highly coveted comprehensive academic scholarships. The average SAT score for both in- and out-of-state recipients of these awards is close to</p>
<p>1550 (out of 1600). Approximately 30 new Carolina Scholars enter UNC each year. Sixty percent are from North Carolina.</p>
<p>The program covers tuition, fees, books and partial room and board, one-on-one faculty mentoring and leadership development opportunities to enhance studentsÂ’ personal and intellectual experience at Carolina.
Students who are offered Carolina Scholars awards often have competing bids from other colleges or universities. A recent survey of 370 top students who were accepted at Carolina but enrolled elsewhere revealed that 44 percent would have chosen Carolina if they had been offered an academic scholarship of at least tuition and fees.
<p>Just some info:
I have been contacted about Carolina Scholars and Merit Scholarships, however they have said that they will not inform me of which merit scholarship I will be receiving before April... when they have finished selecting the other receipients.</p>
Wow, I didnt know Carolina Scholars was such a big thing!</p>
<p>nckid, but they did tell you Carolina Scholar? So you are all set...</p>
<p>Yes, Peter Kaufman, one of the Carolina Scholars faculty advisors, called to congratulate me and to see if I have any questions.</p>
<p>Yes Nckid, Carolina Scholars is UNC's biggest scholarship. Remember that Robertson and Morehead are not administered by UNC, they are outside scholarships given to UNC students. So you certainly caught the big fish.
You da bomb :cool:</p>
<p>chocoholic: Actually, the process for the Robertson begins with the admissions offices on both the Duke and Carolina campuses, where the initial selection is made (from the overall pool of applicants at each campus).</p>
<p>chocoholic: Just to clarify my statement above, you are correct that both the Robertson and Morehead Scholarships are funded by outside programs; however, like Carolina Scholars, one cannot apply for the Robertson as that process does begin in the admissions office (unlike the Morehead). So in that sense, the University itself is, in fact, much more involved with the Robertson--at least in the initial stages. Not so with the Morehead.</p>
<p>Roberston also has a supplement, unlike the others... but do details really matter? not really :)</p>
<p>nckid101: Well...yes..they are all wonderful and amazing scholarships, for sure. And a big congratulations to you, by the way! An honor most definitely. You should be very proud. I was merely pointing out that the Robertson (unlike the Morehead) is, indeed, administered by UNC (and Duke)--at least in the initial stages. And, to answer your question...yes...I think details do matter--most definitely :-)<br>
(Sorry..I have no idea how to make the 'real' smiley faces!)..</p>
<p>jack, leave out the nose, so....
first do a : and then a )
<p>Thanks!! :)</p>