UNC Stereotypes?

<p>I'm from Virginia, and I got into UNC EA. </p>

<p>Our four "main" (using the term very loosely) colleges are University of Virginia, College of William and Mary, James Madison University, and Virginia Commonwealth University. Each school has a different stereotype, ex. UVA is rich, white, pretentious, W&M is nerdy, socially awk, JMU is a lesser UVA, and VCU is for potheads and academically challenged folks (and is also my first choice in state... haha). </p>

<p>Do colleges in NC have a stigma or stereotype attached to them? What is UNC's? Do you think it's true?</p>


<p>UNC- Rich, white, but down to earth and intelligent
Duke- Rich, white, snobs
NC State- Rednecks and engineers
Wake- Drink until you can’t feel feelings
Davidson- Rich, white, snobs x1000000…for those that know about it…
Elon- If you go here and you’re a dude, then you’re gay</p>

<p>Those are just stereotypes</p>

<p>The great thing about a school as big as UNC is that you can find your people, no matter what/who you are. There may be stereotypes, but it IN NO MEANS defines the school. That said, there is INTENSE school spirit (EVERYONE seems to be wearing Heels gear) in Chapel Hill. Any large public U (probably any U anywhere) has its party scene, and greek scene.</p>

<p>D2 is in-state, and at the risk of everyone jumping all over me, although she was glad to get accepted, it is her #2. Chapel Hill is by far the top U in NC, and mostly the view is that the “smartest” kids in UNC are seen to go there (again, stereotyping here). Also, her perception (and it was the same with her older sister) is that all the “popular” kids…into the trendy clothes, tons of make-up, etc. go to UNC. She has a vision of still being surrounded by high school drama if she goes there. (her argument, not mine). We’ve only lived in NC for 4 years, and she doesn’t really have much desire to stay in the South. (her views are MUCH more geared toward liberal locales than here in the Bible Belt). I’d say the view here in NC is that Chapel Hill is not quite as “rich, white, and pretentious” as you characterize UVA, (or as most would characterize Duke)…but there are some leanings that way. Take a look at the kids in the crowd at a UNC basketball game sometime, for example.</p>

<p>cross posted with phonyreal… haha… those are pretty accurate as far as most NC’ers think, I believe… </p>

UNC - Asheville – granola eating tree huggers
UNC - Wilmington – kids just want to be at the beach
UNC - Greensboro – good if you want to be a nurse
East Carolina – couldn’t get in anywhere else
App State – ???</p>

<p>astrophysicsmom - you bring up another interesting question: </p>

<p>Does the campus lean left or right? Or is it pretty moderate? All the negative reviews of UNC on **************.com mention either the words “liberal” or “left.” Although I grew up in the Bible Belt (Greensboro), I consider myself atheist. Also, what is your daughter’s first choice?</p>

<p>And hahhaha @ phonyreal’s description of Davidson. That’s where my class’s vali is going.</p>

<p>Does anyone know how the gay community at UNC is?</p>

<p>uhh. the ************ is student’s review dawt com.</p>

<p>Compared to other places in the Carolinas, UNC-CH is considered liberal or left leaning. In the scheme of things in the rest of the US (especially in areas closest to large cities), it’s still pretty conservative. In the presidential election, Obama won NC, but the only areas that had him winning big were the areas around Raleigh (including Chapel Hill) and Charlotte. Don’t know about the gay community. I know that Charlotte is considered somewhat trendy, etc., but the gay community is WAY underground here. I’m sure the campus environment would be more open, but certainly not what you’d find in the more liberal campuses.</p>

<p>Apparently there’s a special lunch table for gay folks here called the gayble. Search the DTH website, they did an article about it.</p>

<p>That’s not too scary sounding, luxlibertas!</p>


He also won pretty big in the triad (Forsyth, Guilford counties mainly…usually pretty conservative areas.).</p>

<p>Davidson used to have a cheer back when they played SoCon football, whenever they played App they’d get crushed by 50 points annually, and apparently the cheerleaders led the student body in a cheer where they chanted “That’s alright, that’s ok, you’ll all work for us someday!”</p>

<p>Guilford is for the quakers?</p>

<p>the rich, white stereotype is incredibly inaccurate. Especially when you’ve met the kids that go the the real elite schools that actually do fit that stereotype you see how silly that idea is. I’d say the majority of students are solidly middle-class perhaps leaning towards upper-middle-class.</p>

<p>UNC is a liberal campus. Most of the faculty are pretty liberal, and progressive student groups far outnumber more conservative groups. Also, the gay community is for the most part “out”–I have lots of gay friends (guys & girls) and none of them are ashamed to admit it or get involved with GLBTSA. GLBTSA has a really awesome conference about sexuality & diversity every year called Unity. Also, there is an LGBTQ center on campus.</p>

<p>Minorities will not be victimized at Carolina, and there would be INTENSE outcry from students & faculty if for some reason they were (couldn’t say the same for NC State, though…).</p>

<p>here are a few of the ways i characterize UNC: down to earth, mostly white, intelligent, fun-loving, trendy, full of school spirit, somewhat ‘balanced’ compared to many schools…</p>

<p>also, about phony’s Davidson comment. It’s more or less my first choice, and while i’ve surely encountered that stereotype in visiting, researching, and talking to people over the past year, i surely haven’t found what he explained as the general air about the school. just like jwlstn was saying - it seems to be a stereotype at a ton of private schools, and while those people definitely do exist there, they are more likely to be a minority group on campus. i’ve met a handful of davidson almuni, and they’ve all proven to be very amiable and confident (which i think might be mistaken for pretentiousness or snobiness, but i didn’t feel those kind of vibes from them).</p>

<p>haha i went to an admissions event for davidson (way back when…). it took place at a local private school. alumni stood up and talked about their experiences at davidson along with their current careers. to be honest, they all seemed pretty pretentious, and if not pretentious, DEFINITELY conservative–two of them even talked about their jobs working for the GOP…</p>

<p>finally, my dad and i exchanged looks that said, “let’s just take the baklava and leave,” and we peaced out.


My friend’s dad went to Davidson, and my friend’s dad was the one who told me about the cheer. I’m sure there are many great people who went to Davidson (my friend’s dad being one of them, obviously), but the stereotype is just a stereotype…it’s not necessarily true.</p>

<p>Oh and about the Davidson cheer, that’s not the only school that does it. SMU does it when they’re losing to TCU</p>

<p>Stanford cheers “Safety School!” whenever they play Berkeley.</p>

<p>Students at Davidson don’t even have to do their own laundry! Included in fees are laundry service for clothing and bedding…there is a slight charge for things like pressing pants, alterations and for dry cleaning. It’s kind of hard to battle the rich white stereotype with that little perk…:)</p>

<p>[Davidson</a> College - Laundry Services](<a href=“http://www3.davidson.edu/cms/x28180.xml]Davidson”>http://www3.davidson.edu/cms/x28180.xml)</p>

<p>^^haha yes! when i heard that, there was NO WAY i was applying…</p>