UNC vs UW-Madison vs UMD for Computer Science

I am not asking for a tuition statement, qdchen. We have been trying to assist you to come to a decision.

I am noting that MYOS said the cuts have already been decided – this is not the case for UW, but may well be for UNC. The amount of the cuts that Madison campus will need to absorb is not yet clear, and it would certainly not do so by abolishing, say, nursing and engineering, if those numbers end up even close to accurate. It’s misleading, as however it ends up, the budget operations will absorb cuts and allocate revenues in the most efficient distributions possible to maintain high quality educational and research activities.

Also note that, if budget cuts were similar, UNC’s smaller size could mean it suffers proportionately more (the larger the campus and research parks, the more cushion there is to absorb potential cuts).

Given the reputations and traditions of both UW and UNC, I still do not see the quality of education on offer at either suffering much, if at all.

Post #40, I dint think MYOS said funding will be cut to engineering and nursing, but she said the equivalent to closing engineering and nursing schools which is quite huge.


Current worse case is about 6.5% cut to each school.

Tuition is something close to every student while budget is kind of intangible

I agree that can be true for students. I simply don’t understand why you quoted my handle and stated upcoming tuition rates, as neither MYOS nor I mentioned it in the recent cross-posts. We are already aware. I also do not think the upcoming tuition for Wisconsin will deter that many students in the future, as it has been historically low and below market-value, even for many Big Ten institutions, when Wisconsin has departments and resources that rate within the top three of the Big Ten (which now has, I believe, fourteen institutions). When an OOS student wants to study in a top department at Wisconsin, they will still come.

Let me put this politely another way: you have asked a comparative question about the three institutions in more than one thread. We are trying to answer to the best of our abilities, and some of us on the board know the higher education system here pretty well. I think it is becoming counter-productive to state more information if you are not processing it. I am wondering why you haven’t decided yet, because most students have unless they received waitlist notifications that changed their decisions.

At any rate, I think I’ve said my piece, and I wish you the best of luck.

I just got accepted by UT-Austin,but my current major is math and I know it is not easy to switch to CS major. The problem became complicated.

My understanding is that transferring in to CS at UT-Austin is virtually impossible, so the problem didn’t become more complicated since I wouldn’t consider UT-Austin an option.

@PurpleTitan Why impossible?

Because they had overadmitted in to CS at UT-Austin so now they are taking almost zero transfers in to CS. Even students with near-perfect GPAs are denied.

In any case, considering that all 4 schools listed are almost identical in strength in CS, I don’t understand why you’d still have one where your chances of being a CS major there are slim as a possible option.

@PurpleTitan Thanks