Unchecking a circle! (app not submitted yet)

<p>So i was going through my application and came across the Legal Guardian part. I was quick to check ,same address as above, then noticed that they seperated legal guardian and parents..
so they were not the same thing o.o
I have no 'Legal Guardian' but it wont let me uncheck the circle. When i try to save it says to fiill out the rest of my legal guardian info but i found a way past it by hitting save and next.</p>

<p>My counselor wants this done by tomorrow and i cant submit it without correcting that error!</p>

<p>only other things i can think of as starting ALL over again .....which i sure as hell wont do
And maybe putting my parents info in there and writing an email to each college explaining the error.</p>

<p>this section is kind of dead too, i hope someone replies</p>

<p>this kind of thing happened to me too! i went to the help section of the common app, and then “submitted a ticket”, is what i believe they called it. basically i explained my problem to them. then i think the next day, i got an e-mail saying it was fixed. when i checked my application, the circle was unchecked!</p>