Unclear whether admitted.

<p>Ok, so I checked my email, and saw an email that started like this: "Congratulations on your admission to the University of Wisconsin-Madison! While you contemplate your college choices, we want to share some important messages and deadlines." The problem is, I never got a formal letter or email of acceptance, and when I checked the Student Center page, it still said my application was under review. So I guess what I'm trying to ask is, is this for real? I live out of state, so I could see how an acceptance letter could arrive later, but the lack of update on my Student Center page is disconcerting. So does anyone know if this is something where the Student Center is behind, due to the Admissions officers trying to get everything out, or is it one of those things that always seem to happen on the news, where a college sends out acceptances, and then retracts them shortly after?</p>

<p>Thanks in advance</p>

<p>You might call or email your counselor nicely. They are stressed right now.</p>