Hey everyone. I got a suggestion that the Parents Forum might be a little more appropriate for this type of question.
As a preliminary disclaimer, I’m not looking for medical advice, but rather peer support.
If you have been following my threads for the past year, you’ll know that I have developed some strange health problems. At first it was panic attacks that soon transformed into panic disorder, but now I’m not so sure. Rather, I think it might actually be a seizure disorder. I’ve been to the doctor and they’re not sure what the problem is. If it’s anxiety, let me just say this… I’ve never seen this side of anxiety and never knew it existed, but when an attack hits, it SLAMS and I very much am convinced I’m going to faint, have a seizure and or die. During these, I start losing control over my body completely and my limbs start tingling fiercely as if they’re asleep and I can’t move them. I might have slightly labored breathing. I also experience this blanket feeling of “something’s wrong.” It’s not fear–but it feels like my brain and limbs suddenly have been zapped and now they’re numb and not responding like they should be. I might be looking at the word “Then” and it looks like plain gibberish or alien to me. I don’t know how to describe it other than a “something’s not right” feeling.
This happens on a daily basis unfortunately. I would try going to counseling but this issue seems too far gone to solve in time for the trials of the semester. Some of the doctors/nurses I’ve seen suggest things like SSRIs. I’m a little hesitant to try SSRIs. Rather, I’ve avoided psychiatric medications for quite a while since these health problems started shortly after starting them almost a year ago. I quit taking them after I had strange episodes like this. They continue all these months later.
To me it seems lazy, but I’m feeling like psychiatric medication is the ONLY way I can get this under control and continue this semester. But medications like SSRIs come with side effects and they may not resolve or the medication may not start working for a month or more. I guess what I’m afraid of at this point is starting medication and the side effects just make things worse or I just start failing my classes. I’m taking 18 hours right now. How many hours could I take while still having a manageable load while dealing with side effects? Twelve hours is minimum full time and the day to drop without academic penalty is coming up THIS week. What should I be doing to help have a safeguard in place for this semester? I’m already registered with the disability office. Taking a semester off (again) may not be the best idea since I’m on a timed scholarship and I’m not sure if my university would hold it for me.
As a bit of a side note, I went home for the labor day weekend. There, I had a massive 9/10 panic attack (or whatever these health episodes are). On average, the ones I get daily are about 5-8/10. I can make it through 70% of class most of the time, but occasionally I get the “something’s wrong” feeling during classes and I have to immediately step out. I can come back to class after a minute but I start getting flashes of fear and sometimes brain shocks after which nothing makes sense anymore–words don’t look like words, English sounds as foreign as Chinese. And my hands mercilessly shake. Again, I’ve gone to see several doctors or nurses, and they’re attempting to work me into their neurology department but I’m not sure they’re taking me seriously.