
<p>Hi there</p>

<p>I really need some advice, so here it goes...</p>

<p>I have always wanted to be a vet. I know it sounds like so many others, but for as long as I can remember, it is all I have ever wanted to do.
I worked myself to a standstill and I finally made it into "vet school".
My problem is, I still have 3 more years to go until I graduate, and I am left wondering if this is still what I want to do.
Don't get me wrong, there are aspects I absolutely love, but more and more, I am having doubts about continuing. It bothers me that so much of what a working veterinarian can do is governed by money. The fact that you work so hard for a degree that means so much, but in financial terms it just isn't recognised. (I am aware that I didn't start this degree for money) but it is a concern. Who wouldn't want a more comfortable lifestyle?
It also bothers me that over the years, the vet students almost become "hardened" to certain situations (I know students who absolutely loved de-horning goat kids- the screaming of those kids haunted me for weeks).
But I loved the physiology, and knowing how things ticked and worked together in the body. I am starting to wonder if I wouldn't be more suited to medicine or some form of research.
And of course I love animals (but those in the know understand that it's not just about loving animals).
But I don't want to just throw in the towel, when I have worked so hard to get where I am. Do I continue, graduate and then change if I am still unhappy. Or do I make the change now, and know that once I do, I lose my chance at being a vet?
I guess I really would just love some advice</p>


<p>I just saw your post from May and I’m sorry you never got any responses. It’s a real dilemma. Sounds like you were doing some soul searching, which I can certainly understand. You work so hard to get accepted into vet school. Discovering that it may not be for you must be gut wrenching.</p>

<p>I hope you’re happy with whatever you decided to do - go forward, or pursue another career. In any job, you have to be careful to protect your personal values. </p>

<p>I do want to share that I know a vet who has been in the business for 30+ years, owns his practice, and still approaches it like it’s his dream job. He clearly respects his clients, the animals, and I would trust him to make the best decision for any animal’s well being.</p>

<p>I know another - former vet, who decided it wasn’t for him after graduating vet school and working for some time. He went back to school for his PHD and now heads a research department at one of the largest cancer treatment and research facilities in the US.</p>

<p>You have a good base to build on if it was strong enough to gain admittance to vet school. This give you options now, and down the road. I hope the things you like about vet school outweigh those you don’t, but best wishes no matter your choice.</p>