<p>i want to apply to schools and i want to major in bio
but when i took ap bio last year i got a C and
in my sophomore year my chemistry honor grade was a B
freshman bio honor was A
Now i am taking AP physics i got a B for the first term and i think im gonna get an A for this term</p>
<p>i want to apply to NYU and UConn and Rutgers and BU and SUNY Binghamton
and NYU Rutgers BU are my reach schools
my 90 and average gpa of people who went to NYU from my school was 93</p>
<p>Should i apply to schools as a bio major or undecided?
applying as an undecided makes my chance to get in higher?</p>
<p>thank you</p>
<p>Regardless of what you put down on college apps, maybe you should first think about whether or not you really want to major in biology. Getting a C in AP Bio doesn’t really sound conducive to a future career in the biological sciences.</p>
<p>Why do you want to be a bio major? Do you love the subject? Or are you positive that you’ll go to med school later? Are your grades a lot better in any other classes? </p>
<p>If you aren’t like super awesome at some other subject and if biology is really your passion, I say be a bio major. If you just want to go to med school or you think it would be a good route to a career, I say go in undecided and take a freshman bio class your first semester to see how it goes. It’s really not going to make too much of a difference which one you pick anyway, because it’s fairly easy to declare/change majors (at least at my school) and NYU/other schools aren’t going to look down on you if you pick undecided because most people go in that way. You’ll probably change your mind once you get into college, not questioning your passion for the subject or anything but most people (like 90% or something) do change majors.</p>