Undeclared major?

<p>I applied to San Diego State as as a Pre-Nursing Major back in October. I just got my acceptance letter and it says "Congrats! You've been admitted to SDSU for fall 2013 in the UNDECLARED major." Is this a mistake or did they just not allow me into the nursing major?? Should I be concerned about this? Will this affect anything at all?</p>

<p>You need to talk to them to clarify it. It is possible that the pre-nursing program was full.</p>

<p>I don’t really think it could be full yet. They accepted me very early because of my “excellent academic record.” They usually don’t send out acceptance letters until march.</p>

<p>There are two applications needed to be completed -one to college and one to nursing:
The instructions are quite detailed and can be found below. If you followed the instructions and have already submitted the nursing application, call the school and check. My D has received a few letters for acceptance to the university, but in the same letter it states, that the nursing decisions come later in January, so this may be the case for you.<br>
[BS</a> Application & Deadlines - School of Nursing, SDSU](<a href=“http://nursing.sdsu.edu/programsbs-application.php]BS”>http://nursing.sdsu.edu/programsbs-application.php)</p>

<p>PreNursing Curriculum:
<a href=“http://nursing.sdsu.edu/miscfiles/ugrad-guide-chem102.pdf[/url]”>http://nursing.sdsu.edu/miscfiles/ugrad-guide-chem102.pdf&lt;/a&gt;
Nursing Curriculum:
<a href=“http://nursing.sdsu.edu/miscfiles/bs-admission-criteria-Oct12[/url]”>http://nursing.sdsu.edu/miscfiles/bs-admission-criteria-Oct12&lt;/a&gt;
<a href=“http://nursing.sdsu.edu/miscfiles/Sample-Grad-Plan.pdf[/url]”>http://nursing.sdsu.edu/miscfiles/Sample-Grad-Plan.pdf&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;