<p>Sorry to bring this on you guys, but I'm just another HS Senior looking for some direction in the search for college.</p>
<p>Roughly, I'm a 4.0 Student
SAT: Math-630 (I'm a fantastic math student, normally I get 800s on this section, honestly IDK what happened)
Crit Reading- 720
Writing- 680 11 essay
I'm retaking my SAT come october I expect to do better</p>
<p>SAT IIs: 770 Chem, 760 US His, 800 Global, 690 Bio E, 600 Latin (Teacher was inept at teaching class or handing kids and I didn't take initiative to teach myself :-) I think I'm going to try and take the Math SAT II to hopefully show my strength in that region.</p>
<p>I'm pretty much an AP Student, I've taken Ap Spanish (Didn't take test for viable reasons) AP Global-5, AP Eng Lang-5, AP Chem-4, AP US-5. This year I'm taking AP Macro Economics, gov, span lit, eng lit, bio and I'm considering switching into ap calc rather than calc x honors.</p>
<p>I've played the french horn for 5-6 years, taking part in NYSSMA and county concerts (selective type, semi award thing). I'm lead chair and always have been.</p>
<p>I'm a member of Leo Club for 2 (going on 3) years, Amnesty International for 3 years, 2 as historian, Class historian for 2 years, Member of Student Office for 2 years, a Mathlete since middle school so 5 or 6 years, recently inducted into NHS. </p>
<p>I've competed in too many spanish, math, and latin contests to remember. I've won awards in several of them, like the National Latin and Spanish exams. I've competed in local latin contests at the state university and taken part in latin poetry recitations (god that sounds bad :-D)</p>
<p>I haven't seriously participated in a sport since 8th grade and my extra curricular activities aren't the jesus acts that some others have, but where would it be most appropriate for me to look. My real interest is in astrophysics and archaeology. The number one thing though is FINANCIAL AID. I simply can't afford 36k a year and I'm not willing to go into debt because graduate school is a MUST HAVE for me. I'm up for work-study, anything to bring tuition down. I want a rigorous education in a suburban to urban area, rural is fine if a city is within reach.</p>
<p>I'm going to have great recommendations (I think) my teachers all like me a lot and so does my guidance counselor. My essay also should be excellent.</p>
<p>The only thing that really sets me apart from the rest of my peers is my interest in rifelry and bladesmithing (two things I may actually want to keep quiet because of their obvious connection to violence) so idk if I'll play that up or such.</p>
<p>I'm not a competitive person though and I don't have a driving force within me that drives my interest to go to Harvard. I feel like my undergrad degree is just another step on a staircase I've been on my entire life. I want a respectable school though, one that will let me get my grad degree where I would like.</p>
<p>Sorry for the long post...</p>