Undergrad vs. Grad J-Schools

<p>Ok, I have to say I'm a bit confused.</p>

<p>You always hear "Oh, Columbia's the best journalism school, blah blah". Turns out they don't even have an undergrad major. I also know Northwestern does both grad and undergrad...however, those are both huge reaches for me. I'm looking at the rest of the Big 10/Mizzou-level.</p>

<p>So, which colleges are best for undergrad journalism? And which are just best in grad school? I know you don't NEED grad school journalism to be a journalist but just to separate the two...</p>

<p>On CC, Columbia is the one place that’s erroneously added to the undergrad list, so just mentally cross it off when you see it. Of schools at the Big 10 level, Mizzou (Big 12) is the best known (and IMO, the best, but everyone has a point of view!). When you’re looking at options, think twice before getting excited about a place with a solid print emphasis. The best j-schools have (or are developing) programs in which students learn how to work in multiple media.</p>