Undergraduate Minority Recruitment Program

Anyone heard about "Undergraduate Minority Recruitment Program"?
how does this program can help student in term of application/admission?

<p>[Harvard</a> College Admissions Office: Prospective Students](<a href=“http://www.admissions.college.harvard.edu/prospective/applying/minority_recruitment/index.html]Harvard”>http://www.admissions.college.harvard.edu/prospective/applying/minority_recruitment/index.html)</p>

<p>I received an email for them, doesn’t seem to do much for you in terms of admissions</p>

<p>yeah, i’ve gotten a couple of letters from them but neither seemed all that significant. i don’t think being contacted really helps you in terms of getting in.</p>

<p>Let me just say that when I went up to Harvard to spend a few days with my friends, the UMRP was really great to me.</p>

<p>All I did was email them to say I would like to meet a few black people during my stay and they IMMEDIATELY responded. As a result, I met some incredible people and made some really fun new friends.</p>

<p>P.S. they weren’t kidding when they called it a “recruitment” program. They reeaaaalllllyyyy try to get you to consider Harvard (aka, they destroyed Yale whenever I said I applied EA there). But they were gracious so it was lulz.</p>

<p>The URM program is definitely a huge pull in admissions. </p>

<p>Being contacted isn’t all that special, but being a URM definitely helps your chances. Harvard is very outright with its policy of affirmative action (i.e. they use it).</p>

<p>Thanks for the info.
Question is how do they know if you are belong to minority and how would they know your name and email? from college board? or when you sent your score to the college?
For those of you who have recived the letter fom them, you must have very good score on SAT. isn’t it? would you mind to share?</p>

<p>They but the scores from college board and the ACT. </p>

<p>Should I be worried if I never received a call from Harvard? I received some emails, but no phone calls :frowning: I turned in my app in mid-September</p>