Undergraduate Research at VT?

<p>Hey I am a 2nd semester sophomore here. Could someone tell me what is the right way to find an undergraduate research position with an professor in the upcoming summer? Should I just email them and set up a meeting? I already have an idea of what I am interested in.
I am an civil engineering major. </p>

<p>Thank you very much!</p>

<p>You should first read about the research investigations being performed in your field (notice I didn’t write “opportunities available” because not all research is listed, actually some of the most interesting/best ones are not listed), just go from professor to professor. If it’s a listed opportunity it will probably also direct you in how to apply for the position. If it’s not a listed opportunity, just e-mail the professor expressing your desire and how much his investigation intrigues you and how you find it fascinating (aka find the one that fascinates you). You could also e-mail even if you have to follow a formal application/interview process. I’ve never gained a research position through some formal procedure but I feel like those positions are probably less chill…</p>

<p>I agree with Engineerhead. Go to the professors (IN PERSON) after reading up a bit on what they’ve got going on and ask if they will have anything available. If they don’t ask if they know anyone who will.</p>