Do you think you are the only person in India with a silver medal???
What about the people who got a gold medal + 1600 on SATs + 4.00 GPA??? Do you think they will get priority or you???
Do you think you are the only person in India with a silver medal???
What about the people who got a gold medal + 1600 on SATs + 4.00 GPA??? Do you think they will get priority or you???
Still not sure exactly what you are asking.
In the US, admissions are not based solely on test scores, ranks or specific medals. High scores, ranks and medals can help make an application more appealing to a college, but the applicant will still have to have the other desired characteristics and requirements (such as a certain TOEFL score) to be accepted.
Does having an IOI medal make you an appealing applicant to US colleges? Yes. Will that alone be enough to gain you admission plus a full scholarship to most top selective unis? No.
@nomansland India has only got one gold in IOI history that too is my uncles cousin [redacted] and he studied at MIT and also co-lectured Intro to algorithm course , also you only told my percent is good , so are you guys confusing me
@milee30 Thanks so what I conclude is SAT and Toefl is important… and I should crack that first
As I told you on the other thread, you cannot name people here, so I edited it out. There is no indication that they gave permission for their name to be used on a website with “confidential” in its name.
Refer to my earlier message (#6). Nobody here can or should rate you, so don’t ask. The only ones who can judge you are the admissions officers, who will have a complete packet in front of them, including interview notes.
Thank you everyone for giving your valuable time
now, I would be returning here after nailing SAT and TOEFL { will take 4 to 5 months }
so should I delete my account or as I will be starting the same disscucuiom after I come back [I don’t know policy of asking same question ] @skieurope sir help me with that
also any tips for those exams .
Yes, SAT, TOEFL and subject tests are important.
Unfortunately, you can have all the things listed - top grades, IOI silver, perfect SAT, required TOEFL scores, perfect subject tests… and still not be admitted to a top selective US university. There are other things the colleges here consider - some of which you will know about and be able to control (test scores, grades) and some of which you won’t know about (who else is applying, how strong is the competition, did 50,000 math majors apply this year and the department is full and now they need Ancient Greek Studies majors, are most of the applicants from one area or race) or be able to control (immigration challenges, if their budget is having a tough year so less $$$ available for scholarships, etc).
Another big hurdle that hasn’t been discussed is if you have and can demonstrate the personal characteristics the college is looking for. MIT is looking for slightly different things than Stanford which is looking for slightly different things than Harvard. Your essays and the letters of recommendations from your teachers will convey a picture of who you are as a person; the colleges will decide if who you are fits what they are looking for. Given any thought to what these colleges are looking for and how you fit their needs?
Accounts are not deleted. Start a new discussion when you have test scores.
ok bye… guys 19th feb already began here
To give another point of reference, Harvard has been accepting about 5 new freshman each year from India for the past few years.Can you be on of the 5? I don’t know.