unexpected grades?

anyone ever been in a situation where you knew you worked hard, you did your best but the grades you got in the end was totally not reflective of your abilities? that you just didn’t know what went wrong?

<p>Do you mean like when you thought you did all the assignments but actually didn't turn one in and that screwed you over and lowered your grade from a A+ to an A?</p>

<p>I'm just kidding, maybe you didn't get a certain concept and ended up learning it wrong or something like that.</p>

<p>yeh banedon, I know how you feel. I worked my ass off in some classes and wind up getting a A-/B+.</p>

<p>Some teachers just don't like certain people. For example, my Spanish teacher from 10th grade. I scored in the 90s on every quiz and test, but he gave me B-'s. At the same time, he gave some people who failed quite a few tests A's. He even had the audacity to give me a C- for last term. it was the only C I have ever gotten, and it was completed unwarranted. I have no idea how he justified to himself giving me that grade. I ended up with a B- for the year. But next year, in Honors Spanish (10th grade was regular spanish), I got A+ for the year by working less hard than the previous year.</p>

<p>nemesis - well, not exactly like that. put it this way, if you were given the chance to rewind time, you wouldn't have done it any different; as opposed to "i should've studied more details" or "i wish i had known this particular concept was going to be tested"</p>

<p>I definitely deserved a B in American Studies I Honors last year.</p>

<p>You know what I got?</p>

<p><insert annoying="" space="" for="" dramatic="" affect=""></insert></p>

<p>An A.</p>

<p>My teacher loved me because I was one of the few who - although I didn't do all my work or study much for tests - answered questions and didn't call him names.</p>

<p>At least not to his face.</p>


<p>Oh yeah, about your predicament - I'd recommend telling your guidance counselor, and maybe s/he can explain in your recommendation that you had problems with the teacher or something. Just make sure s/he isn't one of those people who plays devil's advocate to suck up to colleges and would say "s/he disrespects authority" or something.</p>

<p>[Flispter-G]Some teachers just don't like certain people. For example, my Spanish teacher from 10th grade. I scored in the 90s on every quiz and test, but he gave me B-'s. At the same time, he gave some people who failed quite a few tests A's. He even had the audacity to give me a C- for last term. it was the only C I have ever gotten, and it was completed unwarranted. I have no idea how he justified to himself giving me that grade. I ended up with a B- for the year. But next year, in Honors Spanish (10th grade was regular spanish), I got A+ for the year by working less hard than the previous year.



I'd recommend telling your guidance counselor, and maybe s/he can explain in your recommendation that you had problems with the teacher or something.

oh that would have been nice, except that the "teacher" here happens to be the University of Cambridge. :) and definitely biasism is not the case here.</p>