UNH Class of 2025 Early Action

jlhpsu - I’m calling it the “2020 Acceptance.” I feel bad that was his first one because there was zero fanfare. With my older son, who did college apps three years ago, all of the schools sent enthusiastic messages on the portal, then by email, and later followed up by regular mail. The UNH admissions guy did tell my son that a package would be sent by mail but we haven’t received it yet.

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It’s pretty hard to spot but just use the status page link they sent when you applied and the decision is listed right on the grid under name, address and other information. If you were accepted, it’ll say:

Application Status: Decision Made
Decision: Admit

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Thank you! I just checked, and it still says “Complete-ready for review.”

That’s exactly what my son’s said until it changed over…so just keep checking every so often. Good luck!

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Thank you!! Wish they were all released at the same time! Congratulations to your son!

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My daughters says the same as yours

Same here.

FYI, daughter was accepted by single word “admit” on her portal last Monday and today she received a nice letter in the mail and notification that she received some type of scholarship…details on that to be sent via email in the next week.


Exact same for us and today we got the letter in the mail with the same notification about a merit scholarship.

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Hi! I’m from Massachusetts and applied for Health Sciences on 11/9. 4.3 W GPA and 3.8 UW, 1270 SAT, top 20% of 420 kids, 3 sport varsity athlete/captain, honors math society, and national honors society. Waiting to hear back as of right now:) good luck everyone!

D21 got the same kind of letter. No notification about the Honors college though, which was surprising. I thought she had an excellent shot. Maybe they announce that later.?

Son received letter in mail yesterday that he was admitted to College of Engineering and will receive merit scholarship. Info on that to be released by email i believe within 10 days. Not expecting much as UNH is awful when it comes to giving $ but nice to know he is getting something.

That’s great, congrats! Is your son’s portal updated too? When did he submit his application?

He submitted in November. His portal does say admitted.

Ok, thanks!

Interesting that you say UNH is awful about giving money. My son’s guidance counselor specifically told us they’re really good with merit scholarships. I guess we’ll see soon enough!

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@FfieldCounty Are you in state or OOS? We are in state so OOS may be different.

We’re OOS. I was wondering if that might have something to do with it. Also, who knows what my son’s guidance counselor’s idea of “good merit money” is. Maybe he’s thinking a few thousand dollars is good.

Daughter was accepted to nursing program today. Same thing in her portal that everyone said: decision made, admit


Daughter got an email saying she is awarded a Trustee’s Scholarship! $9,000 a year (in state). :smiley: