Unhappy Cornell Transfer -- Transfer back to Binghamton?

So I received a GT (guaranteed transfer option) to Cornell my senior year of HS. I went to SUNY Binghamton my first year and enjoyed it. Then, I transferred to Cornell my first semester, which is a big adjustment–socially and academically-wise. I’m doing well in my classes, however struggling to be happy. I feel very indifferent at my time here, not necessarily “sad” persay, just not looking forward to anything. Plus, since the housing situation in Cornell is terrible, I’ve already signed my apartment lease for next year so turning back seems like an unlikely option. I can frequently visit friends since Binghamton is only an hour away, but this attachment seems unhealthy and impractical. Just wanted to vent and hear some opinions right now.

Hey Airspirit,

Bottom line, if you are not happy, then transfer. I know Bing is not as prestigious as Cornell, but depending on what you are majoring in, will you really not be successful in life because you did not go to an ivy league school? I can write a book on the subject but I see lots of students who think they will not be a success because they did not go to an ivy or a Stanford, Duke etc.

Do not get me wrong, those are great schools, but if you are not happy, is it really worth it?

I am curious. What are the major differences between Cornell and BING? Is Cornell a real pressure cooker? vs BING? I ask because my son wants business and he is a jr in high school so he will be applying to BING. He did pretty well on the act but again, I do not think he is the cornell type. Studying 10 hrs a day etc. He is not a partier but you know your child and even if he got a 36 on the act and a 98 gpa in high school, I do not think he would like a school like duke, or columbia because it is just too cut throat.

Bottom line, if you loved Bing, go back!! The more you like a job or a school, the better (generally) you will do. Trust me, at the end of the day, if you are bright, you will be a success. Whether the school is called bing, cornell, syracuse or oswego. Trust me on this one. And Bing is not a schlock school. There is nothing to be ashamed about by graduating there.
