Unintentionally Plagerized.

I got into a post baccalaureate graduate program, and recently, my professor has accused me of plagerizing.
Pressed for time since the paper was due in the next 30 min, and I only had half the required word count, I went on sparknotes to help complete the paper. Unfortunately, the professor accused me of plagerism.I learned from the situation and take it seriously,and it although I did not intentionally plagerize, any plagerism is wrong,which is why it was beneficial to watch the 6 hour video so I will avoid that mistake in the future.

on applications, it says to state if you have violated school conduct. And since I applied 4 months ago, at the time, I had typed “no”. I got in months later, and I was wondering if you guys think it’s my responsibility to “update” them on the incident? because It’s not like I lied on the application because I applied months ago before the incident occurred. What is your opinion?
please, NO NEGATIVITY on my page.


I would update them because it makes you look mature. Explain that it wasn’t intentional plagerism. They won’t hold it against you if you are mature and tell them but if they find out somewhere else it’ll make you look really bad and could cause problems with your acceptance.

I’m so confused by your story. So you were going for your masters/doctors and you used sparknotes without citing? Then you got caught, and you are now asking if you should say something about it when you are applying to colleges?

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