Union EA 2024- notification date?

Does anyone know Union’s EA decision date? An article from them over the summer says before December 20th and their portal says mid- December. Nervously waiting!!

Also waiting! Portal says mid-December, the 15th is Sunday! Let’s hope they go out tomorrow or Friday!

I also saw the article that said before Dec 20. Hoping for Friday! …or sooner. :slight_smile:

Hey Union - Friday 13th would be GREAT :wink:

Did they come out??

I don’t think so

still not out! anyone call and ask?

It is December 20 according to the CSS Profile site.

I called and asked: they come out this friday the 20th at 8 pm on portal.

Yes, when I spoke to my admissions counselor when they visited my school they said December 20.

are you sure??

Yes, they posted it on social media either last night or this morning. After 8PM it will be available if you log in.

Confirmed through email exchange with Union Admissions earlier this week. 8pm tonight. Good luck everyone!

Decisions are posted!!!

DD Accepted with a Presidential Scholarship!!!

That’s wonderful, congrats! My son is out with his friends this evening and I’m doing everything to not log onto his portal and check! He likely won’t look till he gets home. Oye.

My son was also accepted with a Presidential Scholarship. Quite gratifying for sure! Best of luck to all other applicants.

I know the feeling. My DD is in College Preparatory school as a border so I have to wait and don’t even have the log in information so I have to wait. She just got home this week for Christmas break so this is the first one that I was able to experience live. Good Luck!!

Yeah he’s home! And IN! Presidential Scholarship and admitted into the honors program. :slight_smile: This is 4 for 4 so far…but Union was his first more challenging. Just thrilled for him after working so hard. Congrats to all and good luck!

@mommabear5786 Congrats to you both!!! This is 4 for 4 for us too! One more EA due in February. And then on to RD.