Union Student on Union

Sophomore at Union here, and I think it’s important to talk about why I choose Union, and why you should too. Coming into college I had no idea what I wanted to study, and also despised how high school was structured for me to take 5-6 classes. I wanted to really focus on what I was studying instead of just trying to get it all done and move on to the next assignment. The trimester system was incredibly attractive to me and it has not disappointed. 3 courses in ten weeks allows me to actually absorb the material and the change of courses three times allows me to change my course load frequently so I can explore a ton of different disciplines. It was so easy for me to find the major I wanted because of this.

I choose Union because I wanted a LAC that had a diverse student body in terms of interest and had life . I toured a lot of LAC’s and Union stood out to me because it felt like a school where students had a type of energy and love for their college I didn’t see anywhere else. Division 1 hockey is awesome, and even our Division 3 teams have buzz and going to games is a ton of fun. We have engineering too. Am I an engineering major? No. But some of my best friends are and they get to pick up a minor in a language or humanity while taking engineering. The size is great. Small enough where you really know your classmates but big enough where I meet new people every day. Easy to get involved in clubs and organizations.

As for dorms, probably one of the weakest aspects here, but only the first year dorms are subpar. However, change is occurring and new furniture is coming into residence halls next year. Upper classmen dorms are great: renovated hotel, Seward Houses, Greek Houses, Minerva Houses. School is looking to improve dorms for first years so that’s great.

Finally, the social life. The food has drastically improved in the year and a half I’ve been here. President Harris values the opinions of his students and change has definitely occurred in the areas students emphasize. Greek life is present and always fun but not the only social option. Theme houses, Campus Events, Minerva houses are always doing something. Schenectady is underrated. The most delicious Italian food I’ve ever tasted, and some awesome unique options nearby. Cold is cold but you get used to it and it builds character. It’s also only one trimester of the three. Feel free to ask any questions below, I would love to help students make their decision on coming here! Roll Dutch.


Go U! I graduated many years ago so I can’t add much to the current campus situation, but I will say that Union has a very strong alumni network. Both my husband and I have used this network to find jobs and make connections in our fields. We have large turn outs to our Re-Union weekends (my 25th is this year!), and we keep in touch with many, many fellow Union grads. We have friends and colleagues who have said more than once that they are envious of our college network. They don’t seem to have that from the schools they attended. It is probably because Union is a smaller college and it does such a good job at bringing students together. I don’t think you will ever regret choosing Union!

So happy to see Union getting love here on CC. Our family had friends who had attended and who were really close years later. So we visited with DS, not knowing much about it, and were really impressed. He didn’t choose it in the end, but I can say that we would have been very excited if he had. There are a lot of little things that are baked into the experience here that are awesome! And yes, 3 10 week trimesters is terrific.

Dc is considering Union. What attracted us was the joint BS/MD program with Albany Medical College. We are up in Albany this weekend for her to interview at AMC as DC was already accepted to Union College. Can any who went through that program comment on that?

We all liked the size of the school, the trimester system,Minerva housing, study abroad, proximity to NYC and the fact that there is a Amtrack station and hospital close by.

One drawback right now is the cost.DC got a merit scholarship but would need significantly more to make Union affordable . We were hoping to get the “making u possible grant” but were told we didn’t qualify.

With med school a possibility spending the least on UG is key.

Don’t have a kid at Union, but live nearby. Your write up is making me very hungry for Perreca’s! I have a neighbor from Italy, and she said that the oven baked bread there is very old school and difficult to even find in Italy these days. Give it a try if you haven’t yet.

@holychild - I don’t think I know anyone who went through that program, but a friend’s kid was trying to decide between that program and Harvard. She ended up choosing Harvard, and when it came time to apply to medical school, she was looking wistfully a the Union/AMC program. The process of applying to med school is so stressful, and there is a LOT to be said to have that taken care of so you can focus on your senior year. The whole process nearly broke her, and she is, obviously, an excellent student.

I do know students that had science majors at Union, and they felt their education and training was excellent and prepared them for grad school. Most Union professors actually enjoy teaching, take an interest in their students, and will mentor them to help them find a grad program that is a good fit.

While I have some concerns about Union, I do agree that quarter systems & trimester systems offer better value & more options to the student than does a semester system.

Also, D-I ice hockey is an exciting sport to watch in person.

Although the city is worn & dated, taking a drive in the region is exhilarating–especially in the Fall.

My son is a Sophomore science major at Union. Couldn’t be happier with his choice. From new facilities, small class sizes, and access to faculty (and summer research). The trimester schedule is great for him. 3 classes to balance at a time, while at an accelerated pace, are prefect. And Schenectady doesn’t deserve the rap it gets. So much revitalization going on, so many great restaurants to check out when we visit. Love Union and the life our son has made for himself there.

What is the political climate like at Union? While all colleges have a degree of activism, my son would like to avoid colleges where it is very active and in your face. Thanks.

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Curious as well. My son would probably like to avoid a campus that is overly conservative or leans more than 50% in that direction

Anyone applied to LIM and waitlisted -“under consideration”?


@charlie2772 the political climate at Union is honestly a solid balance. People will all sorts of perspectives and backgrounds. Lots of opportunities for activism with student groups (women’s Union, Pride, Union Activist Network, etc.)