Unique essay topic?

<p>Hi everyone!</p>

<p>So I will be a senior next year an I am trying to organize the essays for all my college applications. One of the main things I kind of want to address would how my parents' divorce affected my grades (a lot of B's but in all AP and honors classes) my freshmen and sophomore years, and how I have overcome that (now have straight A's in all AP classes). However, I don't want it to come across as a sob story. One idea I had was to show how I have overcome the traumatic period outside of school.</p>

<p>During the summer before my junior year, after everything with my parent's had calmed down, I made the conscious decision that I wasn't going to let the situation affect my anymore and that I needed to make some changes in my life. This thought process was applied to both my grades and my life outside of school. One of the major changes that I made was getting healthy. Through eating clean and exercising regularly, I have since lost over 100+ pounds and have been able to help my family (my mom and my siblings) get healthy as well. </p>

<p>I have read that essays about weight loss can be risky as they can make a person come off as superficial. I know this really changed my life for the better, but would it be a good topic for an application essay to top colleges?</p>