Unit Limit Question

<p>I am unclear about unit limits regarding transfer to the College of L&S at UC B. By the end of this year at my current UC I will have 126 quarter units, however 36 of those are derived from AP credit earned in high school. I am aware that there is an 80 semester unit cap, (126/1.5=84) under which I would not be able to take a full load of courses and remain eligible for admission. While this not especially troubling to me because I only need one more class to satisfy the UC-UC reciprocity will be able to take that and still remain under the unit cap I am wondering if I need to do this.</p>

<p>Will UC B only count the 90 credits earned at my UC for a UC-UC reciprocity transfer? Or do they exam credit to be part of the unit total?</p>

<p>I haven't been able to get any concrete answers about this and have tried calling Cal's admissions twice so far to straighten it out but its been a machine or busy.</p>

<p>Thanks in advance.</p>

<p>AP units don’t count toward the max, but they Do count for the minimum.</p>

<p>I emailed them about this a couple of months ago when they were far less busy since my 48 AP units would have killed my junior transfer chances.</p>