Unit Quad Temporary Spaces!

<p>Hey FPF students! Did anyone else sign up for these temporary housing spaces? I just got the housing contract and I'm a bit lost and I have a few questions about it.</p>

<p>just wondering, what is a unit quad?</p>

<p>“We have limited, temporary Unit Quad spaces where we could place you until a regular space becomes available. A Unit Quad is a study room converted to house 4 students of
the same gender, who will then be moved to regular spaces in the residence halls as they open up after move-in weekend. You would have a contract and meal plan, and as spaces open we will contact you to change your contract to your permanent space for the year. These spaces are first-come, first-served.”</p>

<p>straight from the email i got. theyre located in the units so i thought it was a pretty good deal, but now they’re saying i have to make an advance payment of $300 first. so…if i get another housing offer, would i have to make ANOTHER reservation payment then? does anyone know?</p>

<p>The $300 is for any contract I believe and you won’t have to pay again when they find you space</p>

<p>oh ok thanks! that sounds much better then. and in the contract it also says that i will have to relocate to the permanant housing offer when they find me one within 72 hours… does this mean i’m basically tied down and can’t reject the offer they give me?</p>

<p>how are these quads? Anyone know?</p>

<p>I got a space. And yes you are tied down to whatever they give you. When they offer you, you have to move to that place. And they’re quads because it’s a study room converted into a quad. Do you guys know what Unit you’re in? My offer says unit 2. And is any of you fpf kids going to orientation monday?</p>

<p>I am. hope to see you there!</p>

<p>oh nice mine says unit 2 too! and everything sounds great except the fact that youre tied down… man i’m not sure if i should accept or not. should i just wait it out and see if i get a housing offer before wednesday? my calso is wednesday. anyone else on wednesday?</p>

<p>I don’t see why the housing people don’t just make these quads permanent. Seriously, think about it. Each unit hall has lounges on the 3rd, 5th, and 7th floors. </p>

<p>There are four ‘standard’ halls in Units 1-3, so 12 ‘standard’ halls and hence 36 quads. 36*4 = 144 extra housing slots. It is a recession and housing’s budget is getting cut. Making these quads permanent can get one 144 new housing slots per year.</p>

<p>How are these temporary quads anon5524485?</p>

<p>well didn’t they say that the people who get these quads offers will have to move out into a normal dorm at some point when they get a dorm offer</p>

<p>Yeah they did.</p>

<p>then they are temporary, once the people housed in them are given permanent housing, it is likely that they will just turn these rooms back into lounges</p>

<p>Trust me. We need our lounges xP They contribute to the sanity and well-being of students here. </p>

<p>And the lounges are ridiculously big to just house 4 people, so my guess is demand would be pretty high for them.</p>

<p>Unit 3 lounges are ridiculously big but Unit 1 and 2 seem about right for a Quad.</p>

<p>so do you guys think i should accept the offer for these unit quad spaces even if they tie me down to whatever permanent housing offer they give me? ahhh i have until this wednesday to decide!! heeelp</p>

<p>duh you should… it at least GUARANTEES you housing… even if you don’t accept it and you sit on the waiting list what are the chances you will get a unit? I already went through orientation and most of the fpf kids got clark kerr, stern, or bowles. only a handfull got units and most will accept… unless you’re considering off campus housing. in that case its just whatever you prefer more.</p>