Univ Pitt and Duquesne Univ?

Good try :slight_smile: Good luck to your daughter.

My daughter has been accepted by both DU and PITT. When we visited in the summer, PITT put on a great show for the prospective students and it stayed with her. She received a very generous Merit award from DU, but she did not receive anything from PITT since she did not meet all 3 criteria (2/3) in their merit criteria. She “heard” that DU is a “suitcase” school and would not be fun on weekends. We live in NJ and she will not be home much. I would love to hear from some DU students, especially the nursing students on this?

Pitt without any aid is not conceivable for us being out of state.

Mcgon4: sounds like your daughter should go to Duquesne and make some friends at Pitt, so she has additional things to do on the weekend. In any case, even if there are few students on campus on weekends (if that is true), there are plenty of things to do in Pittsburgh.

S just finished first semester @ Duquesne so here is the feedback I got from him plus my observations (we are from ny suburbs). The schools is about 70 percent PA kids. With 6500 undergrads, that’s still about 2000 UG’s from around the country and international. There are about 3500 kids living on campus, so those living on campus are many of the 2000 non PA kids. Pitt is also heavily PA kids being a state school. My son enjoys the social scene and almost always has something to do on weekends. He has gone to concerts, pro sporting events and explored the restaurant scene and of course , many parties. He has complained of many kids knowing each other prior to entering, thus making it a little harder to find his crowd. He has been to parties at Pitt. He likes the small classes and has done well academically. In short, if your daughter likes being in a city ( safe and not too big), likes smaller classes, likes a small intimate campus, is social and can find her crowd, she should like it. Student body is very much upper middle class for the most part and leans more conservative being a catholic school.

@marybee333 what is the Presitge Application. I only see one online at this link https://oafa.pitt.edu/apply/admissions-process/freshmen/ . And no, we are not PA residents.

“Do NOT use the PItt Prestige application if offered, as you will not get as large an academic scholarship. We learned this the hard way, when we tried to negotiate more scholarship money and it was already awarded. My D used the Pitt Prestige app, which did not require you to include the ECs, which might have gotten us more academic $$$. Use the long application if you have lots of ECs to showcase.”

The current Pitt application does not require ECs or Letters of Recommendation. Any important ECs can be highlighted in the optional short essays.

thanks @RyanG1207 thats what I know and what admissions said so I don’t know what the above poster was talking about.

ok so thanks for your help. My dd just found out she was accepted to Pittsburg… Was already accepted to Duquesne. So will check them both out in person (along with others) and look at merit aid pkgs and decide.