Univeristy of Alabama or Univeristy of South Carolina


<p>I’m having a really difficult time deciding between the University of Alabama and the University of South Carolina and would greatly appreciate some outside input. I plan on majoring in Economics and am an out of state student from Virginia. I know that Alabama is about $6,000 cheaper (OOS) and is ranked higher for both public universities and business programs but I’ve heard great things about South Carolina as well, especially since they will have a brand new business building for next year. I have visited both schools and loved both of the campuses for different reasons so neither separated itself from the other. Any insight would be greatly appreciated, thanks!</p>

<p>A little cross-posting, eh? Time for the ol’ copy and paste.</p>

<p>Be forewarned: On this site there are many more Bama fanatics (myself included) that there are in the South Carolina camp, ESPECIALLY now that you’ve brought this topic to Alabama’s home turf. Take advice with a grain of salt and go where you feel most comfortable.</p>

<p>That said, it seems like if all things are even, then cost is going to be the biggest factor to consider. Are there budget limits that exist? (I.E: Can your parents afford either one?) Which school will offer you the most in scholarship aid?</p>

<p>My kids have friends that have gone to South Carolina and been very happy and successful. I think the Honors College requirements for graduation are very different, so that might be something to look at.</p>

<p>Do you qualify for any scholarships at Bama?</p>

<p>I think Bama has a more national draw so that may interest you. </p>

<p>Bama’s admission to the Honors College is by stats, so if you qualify, you’ll get in.</p>

<p>What are your parents saying about how much they’ll pay?</p>

<p>I’ve been on both campuses, and I think Bama is laid out in a better way.</p>

<p>I am voting for Alabama BUT something to think about and look into are traveling expenses. Since you are from VA how much does it cost to fly from each school, flight schedules, etc.
have you spent time at each schools town? You are not just going to school but you will be party of the surrounding community. Which fits you better? What type of activities will you want to be part of while in school? Does UA or USC have better whatever it is you like, Greek life, intramural sports, on campus jobs, etc? Does housing matter to you? If so, make sure you look at what each school has to offer as well.
Good luck with your choice,
My daughter was in your boat last year and it came down to making a pros and cons list of the two schools she was torn with. Alabama won and now she knows it was the best choice for her.</p>

<p>First thing is welcome to the Bama forum. My son who is a 2nd year Finance/Econ double major at Bama was also seriously considering S Carolina, and had very similar scholarship offer’s at both.</p>

<p>The diferrent things that played into his decision were:</p>

<p>While they are both beautiful schools as you mentioned…Bama’s campus is completley walkable, SC campus is urban and interwined with the city so you can’t walk to the football stadium, it is 1.5 or 2 miles away from campus. The greek village is “detached” from the campus as well.</p>

<p>He felt during his numerous visits as well as at a Business school visit the main focus for them was on their International Business program and that all of the other majors seemed less important to them…and since that wasn’t his major it was a concern for him.</p>

<p>Alabama was more generous with AP credits for the classes he had taken and</p>

<p>SC was going to require he take a foreign language where Alabama allows Business majors to have 6 hours of computer courses in lieu of 6 hours of foreign language. This was an important difference for him as he had taken 4 years of HS Spanish and did not want to be required to take anymore classes…</p>

<p>Good Luck with your decision, they are both great schools :)</p>