Universities with direct computer engineering major

Hi, are there any websites, resources or college lists where I can understand possibility of direct admission into computer engineering? I hear lot of universities first year is undeclared generic engineering and then after certain gpa and how competitive it is etc. you try and apply for major second year? any insights will be appreciated. Also if there are any universities that favor women in engineering or want to increase their ratio that will also be good to know. thanks.

It’s great that you’ve been researching colleges and realize the importance of direct admissions at many schools.

This site may be helpful for you: Direct Admit Engineering

This thread may also be useful to you: List of universities with direct engineering major admissions

With respect to schools interested in women engineers, if a school is tech-y and has approximately a 50/50 ratio of males and females, there’s a benefit for women. Additionally, you can look at College Navigator, the federal government’s website on colleges. In the admissions section it will show the admissions rate for males and for females.


WPI has been very open about wanting to balance the ratio of women enrolling. It is a unique college. They are not on the direct admit list above, but it is just because no one declares until later in the process after the first year.

Also, look for colleges with a strong SWE organization. They are active on many campuses and can help provide mentors and opportunities.

Look at the course offerings for computer engineering as under grad programs can vary once you get past the basics. One may have more options in areas of interest than another.

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