Universities with Game Design Courses

<p>I'm looking for nationally ranked tier 1 universities that have Game Design courses as part of a Computer Science major or a Media / Human-Interaction major. </p>

<p>I've done some searching on my own time and found quite a few which are linked below to give an idea of the programs that I am looking for. I think that I'd rather have a more general focus with an edge towards creativity and theory rather than actual programming (Media > CS). </p>

<p>Computational</a> Media Major Overview
Undergraduate</a> electives | Human-Computer Interaction Institute
USC</a> Interactive Media Division - Bachelor of Arts
undergraduate</a> degree in computer game science @ the bren school of information and computer sciences
MIT</a> Comparative Media Studies: The Undergraduate Major</p>

<p>All of the programs I've linked to above are general majors that don't really encompass a single skill or area, but they do all have electives/focuses available in game design or a similar field.</p>

<p>On a side note, does anyone know if the University of Virginia, Virginia Tech or William and Mary has any sort of similar program? I live in Virginia and in-state is so much cheaper... but I can't seem to find any programs like the ones I've found elsewhere... If I could be sure that I could become an Echol's Scholar at UVA, I'd do that, but that's probably out of my reach. If not, can anyone think of a major that is similar? I want to get into the game industry after college and I'm looking for any sort of education that will help me out in that field. I want to become a game designer in the creative sense rather than what most people mistake as being a game developer.</p>

<p>Thanks a lot! I'm trying to build up a big list so I can narrow them down and actually visit all the schools that interest me or at least follow up with the schools directly.</p>

<p>The USC School of Cinematic Arts has a major that fits your description. It is Interactive Entertainment. This is more involved with the creative and imaginative aspects of game design. </p>

<p>USC also offers a major within the Viterbi School of Engineering for those wishing to study the development of games with more of an engineering/computer science emphasis. It is Computer Science (Games). The game pipe laboratory there has been featured on local TV shows in Los Angeles.</p>

<p>You can learn more about the facilities and courses by accessing the USC School of Cinematic Arts YouTube video for Interactive Entertainment. Seen on the video are examples of games students have designed and explanations by faculty members of the program’s opportunities.</p>

<p>Here is the name of the YouTube video: ABOUT:Interactive Media Division School of Cinematic Arts</p>

<p>I know Rice has some game design courses under their computer science curriculum.</p>