University Days

Is anyone here attending University Days? My triplets are signed up to visit on Nov. 2. They won’t miss school because they have Nov. 2 & 3 off.

My son has already applied when the applications went live, but my girls wanted to visit first. They have the grades but not test scores for merit money. We are OOS.

Will we find out more information about the Honors College or do we need to sign up separately for that?



Are you asking if there will be info about the HC at University Days? Or are you asking if you’d need to come another time for that?

Here is the UDays Schedule:

At 2:15 pm, you get to choose “interest sessions” and one of the choices is the Honors College.

What state are you from?

We are from Richmond, VA.

I was wondering if there was an info session during University Days. Thanks for posting the schedule mom2collegekids. Now I know.

I’m excited about visiting the campus. I’ve heard really great things about the school.

@tripleteens - I hope your kids will be excited about UA and also test well for scholarship. My two scored better with ACT - so have your students test on each (still time to schedule for Oct and Dec testing). My DD2 got Presidential Scholarship on that last test score UA would take (Dec). DD loves all the opportunities at UA - she is also in STEM MBA honors program, studying civil eng.

DD1 will graduate from UAB in nursing in May. If there is any interest in nursing, UAB has a nursing scholars program (check, but in past had to write a brief essay to apply for that program). UAB nursing is ranked #13 according to DD. She loves it in B’ham and at UAB.