University Fellows Experience Semi-Finalists

<p>threeofthree - Yes, both OA and AA conflict with band camp, they are scheduled the same week. </p>

<p>While both OA and AA are worthwhile I know that DS would not have traded his time in the MDB for anything this past year!!</p>

<p>Edit, double post with MemphisGuy. Have to get used to the paging arrows in this mobile app.</p>

<p>They also conflict with sorority recruitment, correct?</p>

<p>^^ Yes, OA and AA are also at the same time as sorority recruitment. There have been girls who did both in past years, but I think that’s pretty difficult. OA and AA are wonderful programs that give kids an opportunity to ease into school and meet other honors kids while doing some community service. They are great for meeting people, forming friendships and becoming familiar with campus. However, MDB and sorority recruitment are great for that too. A student will be on campus a week early and meeting plenty of like-minded people no matter which of the activities he or she chooses.</p>

<p>Thank you so much for posting the links/info about OA and AA. My son is overwhelmed with information trying to make a final college decision and would never have found these programs on the Honors website.</p>

<p>I’m in agreement that OA/AA can be done simultaneously with sorority rush but it will be challenging. There is very little downtime during rush and even less by adding AA/OA. If the student is organized and very energetic, both can be done successfully. If not, I would discourage doing both at the same time.
My daughter is a freshman and she hasn’t come across a program that disappoints. Reach out, get involved and most importantly utilize the resources that the university offers. There truly is something (or 2 or 3 or 4) for everyone.</p>

<p>Back to the original content of this post—UFE
During the phone interview, BE YOURSELF.
Don’t try to “impress”.
Articulate, stay calm and communicate your answers effectively.
Stay positive!
It will be a short conversation (more than 5 minutes, less than 10 minutes), remember quality over quantity.
Review your essay that you used for your UFE application. There may be a question or two relating to your essay.
Good LUCK to all!</p>

<p>How quickly do you expect aa and oa to fill up after the application is put up? Also, for these programs, do you sleep in your specific dorm room for the year or is it someplace else? Thanks!</p>

<p>Not sure when they were full last year but there’s no need to send in the application overnight.</p>

<p>If you participate in AA or OA, you move into your own room one week before the regular move in.</p>

<p>Thank you. Not even sure if my daughter will get a phone interview, but I think she is strong student and candidate. Thank you for the words of encouragement. I guess we will know if it is yay or nay by this weekend.</p>

<p>Have your students check their mybama email. My daughter received an email today that she is a semi finalist with a phone interview next week.</p>

<p>Congrats and good luck to your daughter, MSUBAMAmom!!</p>

<p>That’s great news, MSUBAMAmom! Congrats and and best wishes to your D!!</p>

<p>Yay! I’m a semifinalist! I got my email on mybama. 160 semifinalists were selected and 70 will advance to become finalists. This is so exciting! I’m sure that attending their summer business academy helped :slight_smile: Roll Tide from Illinois!</p>

<p>I’m a semi-finalist!!</p>

<p>No Email for my D - I guess she didnt’ make it. Bummer.</p>

<p>Congratulations to all who have made it so far! </p>

<p>Well done and good luck - keep us posted.</p>

<p>Congrats and a BIG good luck and Roll Tide to all the semifinalists!</p>

<p>No email here either. Oh well, congratulations to everyone who was selected and good luck.</p>

<p>No email for D here either…and she came down with the flu yesterday. Ugh.</p>

<p>Good luck to all the semi-finalists!!</p>