University Fellows Experience

<p>Hello, I just received notification that I am a UFE semifinalist, and I have a couple questions about the UFE that I was hoping you guys could answer. </p>

<p>First, if anyone who has participated in this is reading my post, has this enhanced your experience at UA? </p>

<p>Also, online it says that students who are members of the UFE will be considered for the Academic Elite Scholarship, which gives a student $8,500 per year for 4 years, The value of tuition in-state or out-of-state for 4 years, and an iPad. I’m a NMF, so I will already receive 5 years of OOS tuition, 1 year of room & board, an iPad, a study abroad stipend, and $3,500/year. Does anyone know if I could combine the two scholarships and basically just increase my NMF stipend from $3,500/year to $8,500/year? </p>


<p>Were you notified via mail or email?</p>

<p>I’m not sure, but just wanted to say Congrats! If you don’t mind my asking, how were you notified, by mail or email?</p>

<p>Congratulations! I’d like to know too–mail or email?</p>

<p>Congratulations on being named a semifinalist.</p>

<p>I don’t know the answer to your questions. </p>

<p>From what I understand, there are only 8 Elites given out in a year so it is unlikely that a student that has an Elite scholarship would be on this board. </p>

<p>Good luck at the interview weekend. Roll Tide!!</p>

<p>In regards to the scholarship question, no, they are not “stackable.”</p>

<p>I made it, too. To answer above questions, notification was through email. It was on the Crimson as well as to my own email. (Actually, they sent it to my yahoo [for college spam] instead of my gmail, so I could’ve very easily missed it.)</p>

<p>I’m also curious about UFE plus academic elite plus NMF. I know it’s likely that I won’t get it, but if anyone has an answer about that, I’d greatly appreciate it as well.</p>

<p>Thank you, Edjumacation. I wish they were, but the UFE scholarship would probably still be better than the NMF scholarship.</p>

<p>Also, I found out via email; I haven’t gotten anything in the mail yet!</p>

Congratulations. Spoke to you on LSU CC. I would take NMF over UFE scholarship if they are not stackable. That extra 5th year is worth more than the extra $$$ from UFE. Do the math and you’ll come to the same conclusion.</p>

<p>Just fyi guys, they will be releasing ufe decisions up until the middle of next week.</p>