University Fellows Experience

^ Are you referring to not be selected for semi finalist? Finalist notifications shouldn’t be out for a few more days.

Please know that this is one of many opportunities you will have on campus.

Did anybody’s interviewer tell them when the finalists would hear back?

This past Wednesday, S was told “three weeks or so”

@2015pop‌ oh my…that wouldn’t really give much time for the finalists to prepare for their journey.the email said that everybody would hear back by the beginning of February. are you sure?

That’s the same question I ask my son, “are you sure?” He is a teenager. But he seemed sure. The response from the interviewer seemed vague but I would expect it to be.

Haha, ok then. One week down!

It was a semifinalist status notification :slight_smile:
I’m not too bummed about it though, I’m absolutely certain I’ll find stuff to get involved in. Just making sure to provide some information as I’m sure next years applicants will be on here wondering the same thing :wink:

You’re ahead of the game already by understanding that this is not the only opportunity to shine at the UA. Seek and explore and you’ll discover the opportunities are plentiful. Roll Tide and best of luck to you!

ARandomGeek - be sure to look into Emerging Scholars. It might interest you as well.

The waiting for finalist notification is killing me!!! I can’t wait for it to be Monday just so we’ll have mail delivered. From old CC posts it seems like most kids receive the "red envelope’ in the mail first, and then an email. Does that sound right?

D received the square crimson red envelope yesterday in USPS, we are in the Midwest. The invitation looks sort of like a wedding invite, including a vellum insert. Very well done. Postmarked January 28th, and they use USPS tracking to ensure delivery.

@swim4school‌ I live in tennessee and still haven’t gotten a letter. Since I live in a border state, I’m starting to worry. :confused: have the emails been sent out yet?


There is nothing in e-mail so far, personal or Crimson e-mail. We are hopeful for you! You never know with the crazy post office delivery these days…

@tobester‌ My daughter who was not selected as a finalist got an email a few days ago. Since you didn’t get that email, it sounds like you’re in.

@hs2015mom‌ isn’t your daughter the one who made the reserve pool. Maybe they only sent emails to the ones who made the reserve pool. I appreciate your positivity so much :slight_smile: but I’m just such a pessimist, I still can’t help but worry! :))

I’m a finalist! Saw the email just now!

Congratulations tobester. Roll Tide!

Congrats @tobester!

Our mail was just delivered, with no red envelope. I am obsessively checking my daughter’s Crimson account, and not feeling optimistic at all.

Congratulations @tobester! My daughter has not heard anything yet.

Got a letter in the mail today saying that I’m not a finalist. I’m not too disappointed, though, because I will be attending the CBHP event in a couple weeks!