University Fellows Experience

My D has been accepted to UA, has already applied to the honor’s college and completed the scholarship application. She has the stats for the presidential award and UA is up in her top 3 of schools at this time (UofSouthCarolina Honors College and Pitt Honors College round out the top 3). She is also applying to a few other schools closer to home in NY, PA, MD, VA and possibly few more southern schools - Auburn, UNC. When considering $, UA is #1 and we believe that the UFE would put UA over the top. The quality of the honors college and the opportunities that she would have as a result of the honors programs keep UA on the top of her list. She loves the idea of the University Fellows Experience but also thinks that if she goes south she will rush a sorority.

Is this reasonable? Does anyone know if there are any other Greeks who are part of the UFE?

I don’t know any numbers, but I would guess that there are girls in UFE that are also in sororities. Bama’s sororities are very concerned about academics.

I know of at least one UFE girl who was in a sorority. She graduated last May, but I would be surprised if there are not others.

My daughter is a UFE and is in a sorority. It is very doable. In the sophomore UFE class about half are Greek (women and men) and in the freshman class it is similar numbers. The sororities do appreciate the UFE students as part of their sisterhood, as they do the girls who are talented musicians, talented artists, athletes, beauty pageant participants, etc. It takes a well rounded group of girls for a successful sorority at UA.

The one collision between UFE and sorority life last year was the Spring Teas for sororities and the UFE Interview Weekend. It was a very busy weekend, but it worked out.

@novicemom23kids I am sending you a private message.

My daughter is consider the same thing. She is definitely going to UA and is going to apply to the UFE program and plans to rush. I hope it isn’t too much, but worth it to try.