University Fellows

Has anyone been notified of acceptance?

Nope :frowning:

@AlmostFrosh2015‌ it seems to be taking longer this year haha

They’ve mailed the letters out. I checked my mailbox today and I got a letter saying that I didn’t make the cut. Oh well Congrats to all those selected!


Thanks for posting, it will cause the stalking of the mailman to begin here! I am very sorry to hear that you didn’t make the cut.

My son got word today that he was accepted. We feel very fortunate.

^^^ @TideHeel‌ Congratulations to your son!!

Thanks. As an OOS student, the full tuition is a blessing. Good luck to all still waiting to hear.

What does the acceptance letter look like?! @TideHeel‌


It looks like an announcement - very similar to the invitation to the UFE weekend.

Fellows acceptance received today, D super excited to see that red envelope in the mailbox this afternoon.

I want to extend my sincerest congratulations to all of those who received their offers to join UA as a Fellow! It is a wonderful honor to represent the university in this program. With this honor comes a large responsibility: to serve others, to give back, and to pay it forward. I trust you will all go on to do amazing things with what you will learn and experience through UFE!

I also want to extend further encouragement to those who applied for UFE and were not accepted. You are all amazing people with caring hearts, and you have a tremendous amount to give others. I trust you will still seek other opportunities to serve the community while at UA. One of the parts of the Capstone Creed is to “foster individual and civic responsibility”…and there are myriad ways to do that at UA! Each will enrich your lives, as well as the lives of others, through your involvement and dedication.

Congrats to those accepted to UFE!!

As I stated in the CBH Thread, if you were not accepted, please know that there are still many amazing opportunities at UA. You will thrive and succeed at the university.