University Fellows

<p>I’ve been researching the University Fellows honors program, and while I’ve gotten some information about it, I was wondering if anyone who might be more knowledgeable about the program might tell me about it. What are the advantages to the program? How is it really different from other UA honors programs?</p>

<p>Also, I realize that this is a very competitive program. I haven’t found a lot of information about the selection criteria, so I guess I’m wondering how much of a chance I have of being accepted should I apply. (I have a rather unfortunate compulsion to estimate my chances of any acceptance.) Any more information about this is much appreciated!</p>

<p>Have you been invited already? I received the letter today.</p>

<p>The minimum to apply is a 28 ACT (with a rec – 32 without one).</p>

<p>It’s very service oriented, as I understand it. I also think you get a lot of mentoring and a lot of really in-depth academic experiences that are somehow even better than regular Honors. It’s a very cool program and if you qualify to apply you definitely should. Most of us won’t make the cut, obviously, but it’s more than worth it to try.</p>

<p>Our D is a freshman in the UFE program. While I certainly don’t know everything about the program, I can tell you a little bit about what UFE has been like so far for her.</p>

<p>This semester the freshmen meet as a group every week. They have a syllabus with required readings and some required writing. Leadership development and group bonding seem to be the focus this semester. In addition to the weekly meetings, each student mentors at an elementary school one afternoon every week. There are times that all of the UFE students gather for a special speaker or program. UFE students attend discussion dinners hosted in professors’ homes and different campus performances. Members are sometimes invited to participate in various campus conferences and symposiums because of their affiliation with UFE.</p>

<p>It is a close-knit group. They work hard and also have a lot of fun together. In addition to UFE, they are all involved in many different campus activities and programs – CBH, Athletics, Greek Life, Freshman Forum, etc. Our D loves the program and the friends she has made through it!</p>