University Honors Interview

<p>So I got an e-mail that reads as follows (I've applied to Univ Honors with residency):</p>

<p>Congratulations! Your application to Honors caught the attention of both student and staff reviewers. To date, we have received over 1,400 applications. From those applications, we are able to hand-select and invite approximately 45 students for Honors residency and scholarships. Your excellent application packet has placed you in this upper echelon of Honors applicants.</p>

<p>We invite you to interview for an Honors scholarship and Honors community residence. All Honors scholarships are tied to residence in Main Campbell Hall or Hillcrest Hall. The amount of your scholarship will be determined after you interview.
(goes on about details...)</p>

<p>Does this letter mean that I am already selected for Honors residency? And that I am just interviewing for the amount of scholarship I will get? Or that I am interviewing for the residency? Thanks!</p>

<p>From what I remember, you are definitely in honors and you're interviewing for residency and scholarship. When my S did this, he got a scholarship, but not the residency. They don't have very many rooms available in Hillcrest from what I remember, and the long hill to get up to it was exhausting!</p>

<p>If that is the case, does anyone have an idea about how many people actually get the residency out of the 45? Or the scholarships for that matter.</p>

<p>Thanks Zimmer07!</p>

<p>I thought I read somewhere that they take around 25 freshmen for Honors housing. I'm not sure about the scholarships.</p>

<p>It says that Honors notifications will be made early April, curious about Merit Aid, does it come with that as well?</p>

<p>I just received my Honors acceptance letter. It stated that any scholarship offer would be made separately from the offer of admission.</p>

<p>From what I have read on this thread, I'm not sure how they award money. Do only students invited to interview receive scholarship assistance or is there a possibility of money for other students accepted into Honors.</p>

<p>I hope they let us know soon. May 1 is rapidly approaching.</p>

<p>I’ll be seeing you there crystal…did you get your itinerary yet? It seems pretty relaxed (minus the business casual aspect).</p>

<p>I got email today :)</p>

<p>My son got a letter in the mail for Honors Housing and Honors Program. No information on Merit money. Its says $0. Not sure if that means that he got nothing or if there is a possiblity that he will hear separately. My expectation is that he got nothing.</p>