university honors (plus bonus questions)

<p>i got an invitation to join university honors. i'm just wondering how hard it is to get in, because i was just looking into it on the website and i'm liking what i see (especially looking at the study abroad opportunities and getting very excited).</p>

<p>i got the invitation letter the same time i got my letter of acceptance and i had not even considered trying for honors previously. the thing is, i don't know how common these invitations are, as i'm a transfer, and for transfer students to be let into honors, they require a 3.60 gpa, which is exactly what i have at the moment (pretty sure i'll get all As this semester though).</p>

<p>does anyone have any experience with UH admissions, or perhaps know a little something about how selective the admissions are? i'd really appreciate any kind of information (yes, i've already looked at the website, i'm talking first hand information :-D)</p>

<p>and as a side note, i'm a florida resident who also got into UF. i had been heavily leaning towards UF because of all the money i'd save. i do have an EFC of 0 though, and when i did the financial package estimator, i was projected to have a refund of about $1300. what i'm getting at is, would getting admitted to honors maybe get me more aid from VT or something? because i think if i got into honors, that would push me over the fence to VT.</p>

<p>one last thing... with all of this talk of in state school and less expensive vs better out of state school but more expensive, i never see any mention of just going to the out of state school, living in that state for a year, and getting residency of that state, and then getting in state tuition. why is that never suggested? to me it just seems like a no brainer... which suggests there might be something i don't know about the residency situation.
but in any case, thanks for reading my post and i REALLY appreciate any info you have for me!</p>

<p>I’m in nearly the same situation. Florida resident debating whether to go out of state (with no need-based fin aid) or UF with bright futures and Florida prepaid. From what I’ve researched about residency, you have to be an independent student working and establishing domicile in VA for a purpose other than higher education. It’s very complicated and has been thought about many times before, but it’s no guarantee.</p>

<p>Honestly, I really liked the campus and the engineering program over that of UF but I need convincing either way! Also an honors prospect here…</p>

<p>Their acceptance is pretty jaded. I think EC’s and your essay weigh pretty heavy in the application, significantly more so than simply applying for the school. I say this because I have seen severe inconsistencies in who has gotten accepted into their Honors program vs. who hasn’t (some got in with mediocre stats, other got rejected with outstanding stats).</p>